In the interim bughelper and python-launchpad-bugs could be more helpful when reporting an error. I received the following message with this query "bugnumbers -l "":
Error while parsing '<launchpadbugs.basebuglistfilter.URLBugListFilter object at 0x13a7b90>': "'Page not found (url:'".
I think informing the user to try --parsemode=html would be helpful.
In the interim bughelper and python- launchpad- bugs could be more helpful when reporting an error. I received the following message with this query "bugnumbers -l "https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/~brian- murray/ +assignedbugs":
Error while parsing '<launchpadbugs .basebuglistfil ter.URLBugListF ilter object at 0x13a7b90>': "'Page not found (url: https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/~brian- murray/ +assignedbugs/ +bugs-text) '".
I think informing the user to try --parsemode=html would be helpful.