The page for a distribution source package displays its upstream links, and lets you update them.
But every distribution series, regardless of whether the package was published in that series, has its own "Upstream links" page for that package. These pages are near-identical to each other, all of them linking to *all* the distribution series, not just the current context series. And all of them are missing the edit/delete functions found on the distribution source package page.
I suggest abolishing the distribution series source package upstream links page. Instead, make the upstream link directly editable from the distribution series source package page, if (bug 204119) the package was published in that series at all; and link to the Upstream links fragment of the distribution source package page with text something like "(and _3 links in other Ubuntu series_)" to let people update links in other series if they want to.
[Originally discovered by Dennis Schridde in bug 4556.]
The Update SP "Show upstream links" link in the Upstream associations to go the the project's +packages page.
Update the distroseries +packaging page to link to the project's +packages page
Remove /launchpad/ pagetests/ basics/ notfound- traversals. txt /ubuntu/ hoary/+ source/ evolution/ +packaging" )
194: >>> check("
./lib/lp/ registry/ templates/ distroseries- packaging. pt "href string: ${sp/fmt: url}/+packaging ">evolution< /a> ${packaging/ sourcepackage/ fmt:url} /+packaging"
28: tal:attributes=
49: string:
./lib/lp/ registry/ stories/ packaging/ xx-sourcepackag e-packaging. txt launchpad. dev/ubuntu/ warty/+ source/ mozilla/ +packaging") launchpad. dev/ubuntu/ grumpy/ +source/ mozilla/ +packaging") launchpad. dev/ubuntu/ warty/+ source/ mozilla/ +packaging") launchpad. dev/ubuntu/ warty/+ source/ mozilla/ +packaging") launchpad. dev/ubuntu/ grumpy/ +source/ mozilla/ +packaging")
4: package's +packaging page:
7: ... "http://
40: ... "http://
57: ... "http://
81: ... "http://
109: ... "http://
./lib/lp/ registry/ browser/ configure. zcml
2010: name="+packaging"
./lib/lp/ registry/ browser/ sourcepackage. py
110: return Link('+packaging', 'Show upstream links', icon='info')