Activity log for bug #375208
Date | Who | What changed | Old value | New value | Message |
2009-05-12 00:27:37 | Michael Hudson-Doyle | bug | added bug | ||
2009-05-19 09:59:03 | Jonathan Lange | launchpad-code: importance | Undecided | Low | |
2009-05-19 09:59:03 | Jonathan Lange | launchpad-code: status | New | Triaged | |
2009-05-19 09:59:19 | Jonathan Lange | tags | privacy | ||
2012-08-30 15:06:09 | Curtis Hovey | summary | we should log all changes to branch visibility policies | Cannot see who changed branch sharing policy | |
2012-08-30 15:07:25 | Curtis Hovey | description | Because when you find that it has changed in an inexplicable way, we want to know who to ask what they intended. A "Change reason" field may even be appropriate. | SetBranchSharingPolicy() could take a user argument to record who made the change. The change could be stored in the db or sent as an email to the project maintainer. | |
2012-08-30 15:07:43 | Curtis Hovey | tags | lp-code privacy | lp-code privacy projects sharing |