It's a regression in the plain meaning of the word: there's a useful thing you used to be able to do and now you can't. Most Ubuntu bug reports are filed (not reported, but *currently* filed) against a particular package. It is silly for returning to the Ubuntu Bugs page to be more difficult on a bug report that has been filed against a package than on one that hasn't. It used to be one click in either case.
I understand that this is a result of how "the breadcrumbs system interacts with the application/object matrix", but that is merely an (entirely foreseeable!) problem with the design of the breadcrumbs system, not a justification. It would be a justification if the new breadcrumbs system had other advantages that outweighed this problem and others like it, but I am not aware of any description of those advantages in this bug report, on, or anywhere else. It's not even simpler than the previous system: the v2 navigation had three components (hierarchy, application tabs, main heading), while the v3 system has four (context icon and heading, application tabs, main heading, breadcrumbs).
Anyway, this bug could be fixed without touching the breadcrumbs at all: simply make the object heading a linked hierarchy. For example, "<a href="">Ubuntu</a> → <a href="">compiz-fusion-plugins-main</a>" rather than just "Ubuntu". This would be more predictable, too: currently there is no indication (until mouseover) that "Overview" is a link but that "Ubuntu" is not, and making "Ubuntu" a link would improve this.
(BTW, please don't mark any bug report Incomplete without specifying what information you need from the reporter. If the bug is blocked on a contribution from someone else, assign it to them. A report should not expire merely because a developer has not had time to work on it.)
It's a regression in the plain meaning of the word: there's a useful thing you used to be able to do and now you can't. Most Ubuntu bug reports are filed (not reported, but *currently* filed) against a particular package. It is silly for returning to the Ubuntu Bugs page to be more difficult on a bug report that has been filed against a package than on one that hasn't. It used to be one click in either case.
I understand that this is a result of how "the breadcrumbs system interacts with the application/object matrix", but that is merely an (entirely foreseeable!) problem with the design of the breadcrumbs system, not a justification. It would be a justification if the new breadcrumbs system had other advantages that outweighed this problem and others like it, but I am not aware of any description of those advantages in this bug report, on, or anywhere else. It's not even simpler than the previous system: the v2 navigation had three components (hierarchy, application tabs, main heading), while the v3 system has four (context icon and heading, application tabs, main heading, breadcrumbs).
Anyway, this bug could be fixed without touching the breadcrumbs at all: simply make the object heading a linked hierarchy. For example, "<a href="https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu">Ubuntu</a> → <a href="https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ compiz- fusion- plugins- main">compiz- fusion- plugins- main</a> " rather than just "Ubuntu". This would be more predictable, too: currently there is no indication (until mouseover) that "Overview" is a link but that "Ubuntu" is not, and making "Ubuntu" a link would improve this.
(BTW, please don't mark any bug report Incomplete without specifying what information you need from the reporter. If the bug is blocked on a contribution from someone else, assign it to them. A report should not expire merely because a developer has not had time to work on it.)