2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on archive
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on bug
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on bugtask
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on binarypackagerelease
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on cve
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on distribution
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on distributionsourcepackagecache
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on distroseriespackagecache
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on faq
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on message
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on messagechunk
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on person
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on product
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on productreleasefile
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on project
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on shippingrequest
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on specification
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on question
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO Executing generated SQL using slonik
/tmp/slonikpX2jNU.sk:32: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_sl".ddlScript_prepare(1, -1); - ERROR: deadlock detected
DETAIL: Process 19773 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 876869 of database 876387; blocked by process 10280.
Process 10280 waits for AccessShareLock on relation 876880 of database 876387; blocked by process 19773.
CONTEXT: SQL statement "lock table "public"."account" in access exclusive mode"
PL/pgSQL function "altertablerestore" line 47 at EXECUTE statement
SQL statement "SELECT "_sl".alterTableRestore(tab_id) from "_sl".sl_table where tab_set in (select set_id from "_sl".sl_set where set_origin = "_sl".getLocalNodeId('_sl'))"
PL/pgSQL function "ddlscript_prepare" line 34 at PERFORM
2009-09-23 23:06:29 ERROR slonik script failed
postgres@ wildcherry: ~/launchpad/ database/ schema$ ./fti.py
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on archive lease rcepackagecache kagecache NU.sk:32: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_sl".ddlScript _prepare( 1, -1); - ERROR: deadlock detected eRestore( tab_id) from "_sl".sl_table where tab_set in (select set_id from "_sl".sl_set where set_origin = "_sl".getLocalN odeId(' _sl'))"
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on bug
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on bugtask
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on binarypackagere
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on cve
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on distribution
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on distributionsou
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on distroseriespac
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on faq
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on message
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on messagechunk
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on person
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on product
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on productreleasefile
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on project
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on shippingrequest
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on specification
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO No need to rebuild full text index on question
2009-09-23 23:06:20 INFO Executing generated SQL using slonik
DETAIL: Process 19773 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 876869 of database 876387; blocked by process 10280.
Process 10280 waits for AccessShareLock on relation 876880 of database 876387; blocked by process 19773.
CONTEXT: SQL statement "lock table "public"."account" in access exclusive mode"
PL/pgSQL function "altertablerestore" line 47 at EXECUTE statement
SQL statement "SELECT "_sl".alterTabl
PL/pgSQL function "ddlscript_prepare" line 34 at PERFORM
2009-09-23 23:06:29 ERROR slonik script failed