Spam of various sorts can be handled by Launchpad administrators and the community help rotation role that Launchpad developers participate in. However end users have to report these spam objects over IRC or email. This makes it awkward for new users or users unaware of the process to actually address the spam, and can even lead to more spam where folk reply to the conversation in a bug / list etc saying that the previous message is spam: if the previous message is quoted this can perpetuate the spammers link / message.
In the past these have included: spam projects (bug 151504, e.g. bug 32990), dummy branches (bug 177980), spam bug reports (e.g. bug 69942), incoherent/disruptive bug comments (bug 220535), spam bug attachments, offensive translations (e.g. bug 153962), and off-topic answers to questions (bug 85358). Future examples might include malware PPA packages, defamatory text, or copyright or trademark violations.
Current status
Spam should be reported by opening a ticket on
Proposed solution
Allow unprivileged users to flag that they consider a given object to be spam / abusive content.
Provide folk responsible for handling spam/abusive content a work queue where they can review flagged objects and decide:
- definitely not spam (takes it out of the queue forever)
- spam (hide or even delete the object)
- link to other objects updated or created by the same account (bug 520413)
- suspend the account if appropriate (bug 122170)
Thank you for your bug report.
You mention projects, but exactly what kind of spam are you referring to?
Bogus projects? Products? Bug comments? Support tickets?