Activity log for bug #527550

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2010-02-25 04:46:22 William Grant bug added bug
2010-02-25 09:25:59 Julian Edwards soyuz: status New Triaged
2010-02-25 09:26:00 Julian Edwards soyuz: importance Undecided High
2010-02-25 09:26:14 Julian Edwards tags soyuz-core
2010-03-01 12:01:31 Julian Edwards soyuz: milestone 10.03
2010-03-12 10:39:35 Julian Edwards soyuz: milestone 10.03 pending
2012-01-04 04:09:46 Robert Collins summary CopyChecker._checkArchiveConflicts erroenously permits copies of sources with failed and unpublished builds CopyChecker._checkArchiveConflicts erroneously permits copies of sources with failed and unpublished builds
2012-10-15 02:48:14 William Grant tags lp-soyuz soyuz-core lp-soyuz package-copies soyuz-core