My use-case is "download the build for Lucid's 'foo' package":
def get_build_url(pkg, release):
series = ubuntu.getSeries(name_or_version=release)
source = archive.getPublishedSources(status='Published', distro_series=series, pocket='Release', exact_match=True, source_name=pkg)
for build in source_item.getBuilds():
if build.arch_tag == arch:
return build.build_log_url
This ends up not working, and instead I need to walk all publications in order to find the first time there is actually a build record:
for src in archive.getPublishedSources(status='Published', exact_match=True, source_name=source.source_package_name):
if src.source_package_version == source_item.source_package_version:
for build in src.getBuilds():
if build.arch_tag == arch: return build.build_log_url
I guess this might be "by design", but that means that when prior releases vanish, so do the build records? Anyway, it's just wishlist really, since I can work around it; I was just hoping to speed up the queries.
My use-case is "download the build for Lucid's 'foo' package":
def get_build_url(pkg, release): getSeries( name_or_ version= release) getPublishedSou rces(status= 'Published' , distro_ series= series, pocket='Release', exact_match=True, source_name=pkg) item.getBuilds( ):
series = ubuntu.
source = archive.
for build in source_
if build.arch_tag == arch:
return build.build_log_url
This ends up not working, and instead I need to walk all publications in order to find the first time there is actually a build record:
for src in archive. getPublishedSou rces(status= 'Published' , exact_match=True, source_ name=source. source_ package_ name): package_ version == source_ item.source_ package_ version:
return build.build_log_url
if src.source_
for build in src.getBuilds():
if build.arch_tag == arch:
I guess this might be "by design", but that means that when prior releases vanish, so do the build records? Anyway, it's just wishlist really, since I can work around it; I was just hoping to speed up the queries.