The logs look much healthier for generate-ppa-htaccess:
2010-09-28 00:10:06 INFO Creating lockfile:/var/lock/launchpad-generate-ppa-htaccess.lock 2010-09-28 00:10:23 INFO Starting the PPA .htaccess generation 2010-09-28 00:10:23 INFO Committing transaction... 2010-09-28 00:10:24 INFO Finished PPA .htaccess generation 2010-09-28 00:10:33 DEBUG Removing lock file:/var/lock/launchpad-generate-ppa-htaccess.lock
I've requested that the cronjob be updated to every minute (RT 41629).
The logs look much healthier for generate- ppa-htaccess:
2010-09-28 00:10:06 INFO Creating lockfile: /var/lock/ launchpad- generate- ppa-htaccess. lock lock/launchpad- generate- ppa-htaccess. lock
2010-09-28 00:10:23 INFO Starting the PPA .htaccess generation
2010-09-28 00:10:23 INFO Committing transaction...
2010-09-28 00:10:24 INFO Finished PPA .htaccess generation
2010-09-28 00:10:33 DEBUG Removing lock file:/var/
I've requested that the cronjob be updated to every minute (RT 41629).