The lazr restful representation cache is a pessimism: its nearly entirely overhead (and disabled on LP prod as a result). Lazr responses are externally cachable - and when a cached response is needed its more efficient to do that outside the lazr stack (e.g. using squid) - doing cache replacement and sizing logic inline in the appserver is a hard problem (particularly as a global view of the cache is not present there).
The complexity of having it adds testing overhead and room for bugs in code (e.g. see launchpad's storm hooks to clear the representation cache).
It may be better to remove it entirely and make the code base smaller.
The lazr restful representation cache is a pessimism: its nearly entirely overhead (and disabled on LP prod as a result). Lazr responses are externally cachable - and when a cached response is needed its more efficient to do that outside the lazr stack (e.g. using squid) - doing cache replacement and sizing logic inline in the appserver is a hard problem (particularly as a global view of the cache is not present there).
The complexity of having it adds testing overhead and room for bugs in code (e.g. see launchpad's storm hooks to clear the representation cache).
It may be better to remove it entirely and make the code base smaller.