i18n support
Bug #311482 reported by
Steven Sheehy
This bug affects 1 person
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
LinuxDC++ |
Fix Released
Steven Sheehy |
Bug Description
Berlios Feature Request #3400: gettext for translators
Add support for multiple languages. Once 0.707 core is merged, this will be possible.
Related branches
- Razzloss: Approve
Diff: 7135 lines (+1998/-2251)48 files modified.bzrignore (+1/-0)
Readme.txt (+1/-1)
SConstruct (+75/-36)
dcpp/DCPlusPlus.cpp (+5/-7)
dcpp/SConscript (+4/-4)
dcpp/Util.cpp (+10/-5)
dcpp/Util.h (+2/-1)
glade/SConscript (+10/-0)
glade/favoritehubs.glade (+10/-1)
glade/favoriteusers.glade (+5/-4)
glade/hash.glade (+1/-1)
glade/hub.glade (+2/-3)
glade/mainwindow.glade (+31/-68)
glade/publichubs.glade (+1/-1)
glade/search.glade (+6/-4)
glade/settingsdialog.glade (+1286/-1514)
glade/sharebrowser.glade (+12/-11)
glade/transfers.glade (+1/-1)
linux/IntlUtil.hh (+64/-0)
linux/SConscript (+7/-6)
linux/WulforUtil.cc (+21/-21)
linux/bookentry.cc (+1/-0)
linux/downloadqueue.cc (+25/-24)
linux/downloadqueue.hh (+2/-0)
linux/entry.hh (+1/-1)
linux/favoritehubs.cc (+12/-18)
linux/favoriteusers.cc (+29/-29)
linux/finishedtransfers.cc (+9/-8)
linux/hashdialog.cc (+14/-6)
linux/hub.cc (+31/-27)
linux/hub.hh (+1/-0)
linux/mainwindow.cc (+12/-11)
linux/mainwindow.hh (+2/-0)
linux/privatemessage.cc (+3/-3)
linux/publichubs.cc (+16/-16)
linux/search.cc (+36/-26)
linux/search.hh (+1/-0)
linux/settingsdialog.cc (+86/-224)
linux/settingsdialog.hh (+1/-8)
linux/settingsmanager.hh (+1/-0)
linux/sharebrowser.cc (+24/-29)
linux/sharebrowser.hh (+2/-0)
linux/transfers.cc (+37/-30)
linux/transfers.hh (+2/-0)
linux/treeview.cc (+69/-67)
linux/treeview.hh (+2/-3)
linux/wulfor.cc (+24/-31)
linux/wulformanager.cc (+0/-1)
Changed in linuxdcpp: | |
importance: | Undecided → High |
status: | New → Confirmed |
Changed in linuxdcpp: | |
assignee: | nobody → individ |
Changed in linuxdcpp: | |
milestone: | none → 1.1.0 |
tags: | added: i18n |
Changed in linuxdcpp: | |
status: | Fix Committed → Fix Released |
tags: | added: ui |
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Thanks. Now, linuxdc++ supported multi-languages. This is my beta translation gui.