Comment 5 for bug 354148

Revision history for this message
box2 (linuxdcpp) wrote :

Hm, my bug posts were deleted in the merge, blah. What it came down to is that both gtk_show_uri and xdg-open depend on gvfs (which is not a hard dependency of libgtk2.0 as of 2.14.something (at least on Debian)). If you want to try adding another way to open URLs (for instance, how xpdf does it), you can add to your nested if statements to try sensible-browser (the same way you call xdg-open) if both previously mentioned functions throw you an error (in linux/ starting at line 220).

The only problem with calling sensible-browser is that it ignores your preferred browser setting, so in Gnome it will open Epiphany, on KDE it will probably open Konqueror.