Show preferences dialog on initial start-up

Bug #417960 reported by Steven Sheehy
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released
Steven Sheehy

Bug Description

The first time the program is started, it should open the preferences dialog to indicate to the user that some information is required before using the program. This information should include nickname, encoding, and anything else I'm missing (suggestions?).

In addition, it should not allow the preferences dialog to be closed unless the aforementioned values are entered. As a special case, if the user selects UTF-8 as their encoding (directly or indirectly by "System default"), display a warning dialog with a don't show me again option indicating that UTF-8 doesn't work right for most NMDC hubs and recommending they choose a different encoding.

Tags: preferences ui
Revision history for this message
Redemblem (redemblem101) wrote :

This is a good suggestion, however, the preferences dialog opens EVERY TIME the program opens. This is annoying because I always have to look at it when I open linuxdcpp instead of just the initial time. Is there a simple way to fix this?

Revision history for this message
Steven Sheehy (steven-sheehy) wrote :

I'm unable to reproduce. Mine only opens the first time I start. First check to see if ~/.dc++/LinuxDC++.xml has write permissions. You may also try to use a fresh profile and see if it still occurs (mv ~/.dc++ ~/.dc++_backup). Also try seeing what the value of show-preferences-on-startup value is the first time and subsequent times (grep show-preferences-on-startup ~/.dc++/LinuxDC++.xml).

Revision history for this message
Redemblem (redemblem101) wrote :

There is no LinuxDC++.xml file in that directory though there is a DCPlusPlus.xml if that is what you mean.
There is also a profile.lck but it is empty. Perhaps this is the issue? Does that need to contain the profile information? All other settings save.

Revision history for this message
Steven Sheehy (steven-sheehy) wrote :

No, profile.lck has nothing to do with it. There needs to be a LinuxDC++.xml. You did not try my other suggestions... Also please post the LinuxDC++ version from the about menu.

Revision history for this message
Redemblem (redemblem101) wrote :

For the other suggestions, creating a new /.dc++ directory does not fix the issue and the grep command does not post anything as there is no LinuxDC++.xml file.

I'm using the bzr branch version 1.0.3-bzr with core version 0.75. I pulled it from the ppa signed here <>

Revision history for this message
Redemblem (redemblem101) wrote :

Ok, after restoring ./dc++_backup to ./dc++ and launching the program again there is now created a LinuxDC++.xml file in ~/.dc++

I do not know why this file was just created. Also a file ADLSearch.xml was created that was not previously there.

Revision history for this message
Steven Sheehy (steven-sheehy) wrote :

Can you check for /tmp/.dc++/ ? Maybe for some reason your HOME environment variable isn't set. When you deleted ~/.dc++ did another ~/.dc++ get created?

Revision history for this message
Redemblem (redemblem101) wrote :

there is no such directory on my system as /tmp/.dc++/ though I did just restart. When I moved ~/.dc++/ to ~/.dc++_backup and started LinuxDCPP there was another, new ~/.dc++ created. I already deleted this file though and moved back the original.

I did try installation on another computer (from the same PPA) with an Ubuntu 10.04 x86 installation and the same problem occured. I do not have access to that computer any longer unfortunately.

Revision history for this message
Steven Sheehy (steven-sheehy) wrote :

Sounds like some issue with your system. Check your permissions and umask for home and .dc++ directories if it continues.

Changed in linuxdcpp:
assignee: nobody → Steven Sheehy (steven-sheehy)
milestone: none → 1.1.0
status: Confirmed → Fix Committed
Changed in linuxdcpp:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
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