2018-03-01 12:31:13 provisioningserver.rackdservices.tftp: [info] bootx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c5
2018-03-01 12:31:13 provisioningserver.rackdservices.tftp: [info] bootx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c5
2018-03-01 12:31:13 provisioningserver.rackdservices.tftp: [info] grubx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c5
2018-03-01 12:32:25 provisioningserver.rackdservices.tftp: [info] bootx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c6
2018-03-01 12:32:26 provisioningserver.rackdservices.tftp: [info] bootx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c6
2018-03-01 12:32:26 provisioningserver.rackdservices.tftp: [info] grubx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c6
Idk if that's the firmware doing it automatically (e.g. trying to boot from one interface, and then another) or someone manually is doing it, but judging for the logs i would imagine one of two things:
1. The firmware is taking a long time to download the requested file and timesout after 30 seconds
2. The firmware just doesn't really do anything once it downloads the file.
I'm assuming that other EFI machines work just fine, I would say this could even be a firmware related issue. Can you confirm other EFI machines work?
Looking at the logs, I also see this:
2018-03-01 12:31:13 provisioningser ver.rackdservic es.tftp: [info] bootx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c5 ver.rackdservic es.tftp: [info] bootx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c5 ver.rackdservic es.tftp: [info] grubx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c5 ver.rackdservic es.tftp: [info] bootx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c6 ver.rackdservic es.tftp: [info] bootx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c6 ver.rackdservic es.tftp: [info] grubx64.efi requested by a8:1e:84:f2:96:c6
2018-03-01 12:31:13 provisioningser
2018-03-01 12:31:13 provisioningser
2018-03-01 12:32:25 provisioningser
2018-03-01 12:32:26 provisioningser
2018-03-01 12:32:26 provisioningser
Idk if that's the firmware doing it automatically (e.g. trying to boot from one interface, and then another) or someone manually is doing it, but judging for the logs i would imagine one of two things:
1. The firmware is taking a long time to download the requested file and timesout after 30 seconds
2. The firmware just doesn't really do anything once it downloads the file.
I'm assuming that other EFI machines work just fine, I would say this could even be a firmware related issue. Can you confirm other EFI machines work?