MAAS GUI shows incorrectly displays false failure message from prior operation

Bug #1846959 reported by Craig Bender
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released

Bug Description

MAAS version: 2.6.1 (7832-g17912cdc9-0ubuntu1~19.04.1)

When a node that previously failed to deploy/commission (for a correctable reason - let's say a typo in the main package repository url) gets redeployed/recommissioned, the status of that node under the machines tab of the GUI incorrectly show the last status of the prior operation. This message is display for the current operation until the "Configuring OS" status updates the message in the GUI.

This causes confusion and will result in people wrongly aborting operations that (if the error was corrected) would succeed if they just waited.

Screen caps attached.

Revision history for this message
Craig Bender (craig-bender) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Craig Bender (craig-bender) wrote :

To easily recreate this issue:

1) Edit the "Ubuntu archive" repo under Settings -> Package Repositories and change it to

2) Attempt to deploy a machine

3) After failure, release the machines.

4) Set "Ubuntu archive" repo back to

4) Re-attempt prior deploy operation (or commission the machine)

5) View status field of machine under 2.61 GUI

6) Note that the status message will display the "Node installation failure..." for about 5 minutes until the status message "Configuring OS" finally overwrites the false failure.

summary: - MAAS GUI shows incorrect message for a node that previously failed
+ MAAS GUI shows incorrectly display false failure message from prior
+ operation
summary: - MAAS GUI shows incorrectly display false failure message from prior
+ MAAS GUI shows incorrectly displays false failure message from prior
Revision history for this message
Craig Bender (craig-bender) wrote :

Suggest either when a machine is released, or a new operation is performed, its last status should be cleared.

$ maas admin machine read ndhfpe|jq -r '"\(.hostname)|\(.system_id)|\(.status)|\(.status_name)|\"\(.status_message)\""'

node02ob20|ndhfpe|4|Ready|"Node installation failure - 'cloudinit' running modules for final"

Alberto Donato (ack)
tags: removed: gui
tags: added: ui ux
Changed in maas:
status: New → Triaged
importance: Undecided → Medium
Changed in maas-ui:
importance: Undecided → Unknown
Revision history for this message
H Wilkins (huwshimi) wrote (last edit ):

Removed maas-ui from this as the UI shows the status that is provided from the API.

tags: removed: ui ux
Changed in maas-ui:
status: New → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
Jerzy Husakowski (jhusakowski) wrote :

Is this still reproducible on a recent MAAS (3.3+)?

Changed in maas:
status: Triaged → Incomplete
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