I did several experiments, I made sure there were no machines defined $ for i in 30 31 32; do ssh 10.244.40.$i lxc list ; done Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. To start your first container, try: lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 Or for a virtual machine: lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 --vm +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. To start your first container, try: lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 Or for a virtual machine: lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 --vm +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ Then ran the deployment $ fce_wrap build --layer maas --steps compose_vms 2023-08-09-13:10:11 root DEBUG fce --debug build --layer maas --steps compose_vms 2023-08-09-13:10:11 root DEBUG FCE version: 2.21+git.10.g0acb2a1d 2023-08-09-13:10:11 root DEBUG Running 'zone' project check 2023-08-09-13:10:11 fce.build INFO Started building layer: maas Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. 2023-08-09-13:10:12 fce.maas INFO Starting step: maas:compose_vms 2023-08-09-13:10:12 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-hosts read 2023-08-09-13:10:16 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root version read 2023-08-09-13:10:19 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root rack-controllers read hostname=leafeon 2023-08-09-13:10:24 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host update 1 memory_over_commit_ratio=10 cpu_over_commit_ratio=10 2023-08-09-13:10:29 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root machines read 2023-08-09-13:10:34 foundationcloudengine.layers.configuremaas INFO Creating elastic-1 in leafeon 2023-08-09-13:10:34 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=elastic-1 cores=2 memory=24576 storage=500.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:10:41 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tags create name=elastic 2023-08-09-13:10:44 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root tags create name=elastic 2023-08-09-13:10:44 root ERROR 1[localhost] STDOUT follows: {"name": ["Tag with this Name already exists."]} 2023-08-09-13:10:44 root ERROR 2[localhost] STDERR follows: b'' 2023-08-09-13:10:44 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tag update-nodes elastic add=np6tyw 2023-08-09-13:10:48 foundationcloudengine.layers.configuremaas INFO Creating grafana-1 in leafeon 2023-08-09-13:10:48 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=grafana-1 cores=2 memory=3072 storage=40.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:10:54 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tags create name=grafana 2023-08-09-13:10:58 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root tags create name=grafana 2023-08-09-13:10:58 root ERROR 1[localhost] STDOUT follows: {"name": ["Tag with this Name already exists."]} 2023-08-09-13:10:58 root ERROR 2[localhost] STDERR follows: b'' 2023-08-09-13:10:58 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tag update-nodes grafana add=gnxg47 2023-08-09-13:11:02 foundationcloudengine.layers.configuremaas INFO Creating juju-1 in leafeon 2023-08-09-13:11:02 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=juju-1 cores=8 memory=24576 storage=100.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:11:08 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tags create name=juju 2023-08-09-13:11:12 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root tags create name=juju 2023-08-09-13:11:12 root ERROR 1[localhost] STDOUT follows: {"name": ["Tag with this Name already exists."]} 2023-08-09-13:11:12 root ERROR 2[localhost] STDERR follows: b'' 2023-08-09-13:11:12 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tag update-nodes juju add=nesx37 2023-08-09-13:11:16 foundationcloudengine.layers.configuremaas INFO Creating landscapeha-1 in leafeon 2023-08-09-13:11:16 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=landscapeha-1 cores=2 memory=3072 storage=40.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:11:21 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tags create name=landscapeha 2023-08-09-13:11:25 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root tags create name=landscapeha 2023-08-09-13:11:25 root ERROR 1[localhost] STDOUT follows: {"name": ["Tag with this Name already exists."]} 2023-08-09-13:11:25 root ERROR 2[localhost] STDERR follows: b'' 2023-08-09-13:11:25 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tag update-nodes landscapeha add=6hsfn4 2023-08-09-13:11:29 foundationcloudengine.layers.configuremaas INFO Creating landscape-1 in leafeon 2023-08-09-13:11:29 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=landscape-1 cores=2 memory=4096 storage=40.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:11:34 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tags create name=landscape 2023-08-09-13:11:38 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root tags create name=landscape 2023-08-09-13:11:38 root ERROR 1[localhost] STDOUT follows: {"name": ["Tag with this Name already exists."]} 2023-08-09-13:11:38 root ERROR 2[localhost] STDERR follows: b'' 2023-08-09-13:11:38 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tag update-nodes landscape add=xcrnhr 2023-08-09-13:11:42 foundationcloudengine.layers.configuremaas INFO Creating landscapesql-1 in leafeon 2023-08-09-13:11:42 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=landscapesql-1 cores=2 memory=16384 storage=100.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:11:47 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tags create name=landscapesql 2023-08-09-13:11:51 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root tags create name=landscapesql 2023-08-09-13:11:51 root ERROR 1[localhost] STDOUT follows: {"name": ["Tag with this Name already exists."]} 2023-08-09-13:11:51 root ERROR 2[localhost] STDERR follows: b'' 2023-08-09-13:11:51 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tag update-nodes landscapesql add=fddbnk 2023-08-09-13:11:55 foundationcloudengine.layers.configuremaas INFO Creating landscapeamqp-1 in leafeon 2023-08-09-13:11:55 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=landscapeamqp-1 cores=2 memory=4096 storage=40.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:12:01 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tags create name=landscapeamqp 2023-08-09-13:12:05 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root tags create name=landscapeamqp 2023-08-09-13:12:05 root ERROR 1[localhost] STDOUT follows: {"name": ["Tag with this Name already exists."]} 2023-08-09-13:12:05 root ERROR 2[localhost] STDERR follows: b'' 2023-08-09-13:12:05 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tag update-nodes landscapeamqp add=q77qfs 2023-08-09-13:12:08 foundationcloudengine.layers.configuremaas INFO Creating nagios-1 in leafeon 2023-08-09-13:12:08 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=nagios-1 cores=4 memory=3072 storage=40.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:12:14 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tags create name=nagios 2023-08-09-13:12:18 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root tags create name=nagios 2023-08-09-13:12:18 root ERROR 1[localhost] STDOUT follows: {"name": ["Tag with this Name already exists."]} 2023-08-09-13:12:18 root ERROR 2[localhost] STDERR follows: b'' 2023-08-09-13:12:18 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root tag update-nodes nagios add=faxnwc 2023-08-09-13:12:22 foundationcloudengine.layers.configuremaas INFO Creating graylog-1 in leafeon 2023-08-09-13:12:22 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=graylog-1 cores=4 memory=16384 storage=40.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:12:27 root ERROR [localhost] Command failed: maas root vm-host compose 1 hostname=graylog-1 cores=4 memory=16384 storage=40.0 zone=2 2023-08-09-13:12:27 root ERROR 1[localhost] STDOUT follows: Unable to compose machine because: Failed talking to pod: Failed creating instance record: Add instance info to the database: This "instances" entry already exists 2023-08-09-13:12:27 root ERROR 2[localhost] STDERR follows: b'' And here is a new status $ for i in 30 31 32; do ssh 10.244.40.$i lxc list ; done Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | elastic-1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | grafana-1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | graylog-1 | STOPPED | | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | juju-1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | landscape-1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | landscapeamqp-1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | landscapeha-1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | | | | (eth0) | | | | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | landscapesql-1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ | nagios-1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | +-----------------+---------+----------------------+------+-----------------+-----------+ Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | +------+-------+------+------+------+-----------+ I repeated it five times, I hit this issue three times with various VMs in any of those three servers. Then I modified the deployment to put 10 seconds sleep between each `vm-host compose` and with five tests I did not encounter the issue.