Since the addition of NVE support in the NetApp ONTAP driver,
the driver fails to start when a VE license is not present on
a 9.1 (or later) ONTAP box.
This patch fixes the problem by improving error handling.
Change-Id: I27bf9f0d1be666f4151281ca52d6bb3377f856ff
Closes-Bug: #1772026
(cherry picked from commit 61f82e492ec95befd9fa623ec035439a6b4a4671)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/587184 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ manila/ commit/ ?id=31f35aed04d 7ca2ac76ebe5c6d f09e22331849cb
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 31f35aed04d7ca2 ac76ebe5c6df09e 22331849cb
Author: Rodrigo Barbieri <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jun 11 09:40:20 2018 -0300
[NetApp driver] NVE License not present fix
Since the addition of NVE support in the NetApp ONTAP driver,
the driver fails to start when a VE license is not present on
a 9.1 (or later) ONTAP box.
This patch fixes the problem by improving error handling.
Change-Id: I27bf9f0d1be666 f4151281ca52d6b b3377f856ff fd9fa623ec03543 9a6b4a4671)
Closes-Bug: #1772026
(cherry picked from commit 61f82e492ec95be