CIFS / SMB share creation using the same neturon network and different share networks or different neutron networks and different share networks both fail with the following errors. Errors thrown are both from reusing ipspace and errors over netapp flow.

Bug #2073129 reported by Radhakrishnan Sethuraman
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila)
Gireesh Awasthi

Bug Description

I created a new share-network and associated a new share security service, now below is the error message that I’m getting,

ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server raise NaApiError(code, msg)
2024-07-01 14:14:00.789 210115 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server manila.share.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client.api.NaApiError: NetApp API failed. Reason - 13001:IPspace can't be removed because it has network ports assigned.
2024-07-01 14:14:00.789 210115 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server

I see the following options related to security services,

security-service-update  manila security-service-update [--dns-ip <dns-ip>] [--ou <ou>] [--server <server>] [--domain <domain>] [--user <user>] [--password <password>]
                                      [--name <name>] [--default-ad-site <default_ad_site>] [--description <description>]

manila share-network-security-service-update-check 8584d23c-f522-4406-9a7c-0906e47e0766
usage: manila share-network-security-service-update-check [--reset <True|False>] <share-network> <current-security-service> <new-security-service>
error: the following arguments are required: <current-security-service>, <new-security-service>
Try 'manila help share-network-security-service-update-check' for more information.

Updating a share-network with a new security-service seems to be possible,

manila share-network-security-service-list c9e098eb-5913-411b-8717-a9a69ab3acf9
manila CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
| id | name | status | type |
| 2e044500-7faa-494e-82f5-bc5e33deaad6 | sst-adm-cifs-sec-01 | new | ldap |
ubuntu@juju-558e26-0-kvm-33:~$ manila share-network-security-service-update c9e098eb-5913-411b-8717-a9a69ab3acf9 sst-adm-cifs-sec-01 sst-cifs-admin-security-02
manila CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
ubuntu@juju-558e26-0-kvm-33:~$ manila share-network-security-service-list c9e098eb-5913-411b-8717-a9a69ab3acf9 manila CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
| id | name | status | type |
| a6c76f5e-0ad1-4cc2-ac02-1dadacb9c6c8 | sst-cifs-admin-security-02 | new | ldap |
ubuntu@juju-558e26-0-kvm-33:~$ manila share-network-security-service-update c9e098eb-5913-411b-8717-a9a69ab3acf9 sst-cifs-admin-security-02 sst-adm-cifs-sec-01
manila CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
ubuntu@juju-558e26-0-kvm-33:~$ manila share-network-security-service-list c9e098eb-5913-411b-8717-a9a69ab3acf9 manila CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
| id | name | status | type |
| 2e044500-7faa-494e-82f5-bc5e33deaad6 | sst-adm-cifs-sec-01 | new | ldap |

The problem statement still pending to be resolved is, if I use the existing share-network, here is the error we get,

2024-06-25 18:18:22.118 3078437 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server [None req-ef40efa3-0989-47c6-b3e1-2548fb78ccc5 93756dcbe8b841b1a13988425fd4541d 8ffaa57bb28e4
aabb764f0dba58f440e - - - -] Exception during message handling: manila.share.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client.api.NaApiError: NetApp API failed. Reason - 1300
1:Invalid IPspace name. The name "ipspace_cc3d6a55_5035_4d26_9ec9_73721faf84f8" is already in use by a cluster node, Vserver, or is the name of the local clu

The flow seems to be incorrect and needs to be fixed from Manila Netapp drivers standpoint. Security services mapping, Port selection and associated parameters like ipspace and broadcast domain, reuse of an existing share network for a particular tenant to provision CIFS shares so that the tenant need not create different neutron and share networks for different NAS protocols is the ask here.

Tags: cifs
Changed in manila:
assignee: nobody → jayaanand borra (jayaanan)
Vida Haririan (vhariria)
tags: added: cifs
Vida Haririan (vhariria)
Changed in manila:
importance: Undecided → Medium
milestone: none → dalmatian-3
Revision history for this message
Vida Haririan (vhariria) wrote :
Changed in manila:
status: New → Triaged
Changed in manila:
milestone: dalmatian-3 → epoxy-1
Changed in manila:
assignee: jayaanand borra (jayaanan) → nobody
Revision history for this message
jayaanand borra (jayaanan) wrote :

@Awasthi, Gireesh will be looking into this issue.

Changed in manila:
assignee: nobody → Gireesh Awasthi (agireesh)
Changed in manila:
milestone: epoxy-1 → none
milestone: none → epoxy-3
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