mapping between switch name and socket (feature request)

Bug #1135507 reported by em
This bug affects 1 person
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Bug Description

It's easy to apply commands on virtual switch from outside Marionnet (using vdecmd).
vdecmd use a management socket in /tmp/marionnet (like switch-socket-mgmt-176117873) but I didn't find a way to find from outside Marionnet a mapping between switchs names and theses sockets (in case there is more than one switch).

We can think about a directory "switchs" with a file per switch listing their management socket for example.

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Revision history for this message
em (emmanuel-motchane) wrote : Re: [Marionnet-dev] [Bug 1135507] [NEW] mapping between switch name and socket ( feature request)

Here's a small patch (1 line) by Andriy Paskevych to create switchs
managements sockets with name as :

For example for the switch S1 the name of the socket would be :

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