vm does not boot in modern versions of linux
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
marionnet |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
First of all, thank you for the excellent work done by the developers in this program. I've been a marionnet user for years now and it's been with me since ubuntu 10.04. In the latest versions of Linux (Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20.04) I have managed to install it but when starting the machines or the routers it gives the message: "A process died unexpectedly". At the suggestion of one of you I have installed the libvdeplug2 package but it does not solve it. I send you the output of the marionnet -d command when trying to run a debian-wheezy machine:
Welcome to marionnet
Version : trunk
Source revision : -
Ocamlbricks revision : -
Ocaml version : 3.12.1
Built in date 2020-09-17 13:05:36 +0200 on system:
Linux 5.6.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian
For bug reporting, please get a launchpad account and
- report bugs at https:/
or do *all* the following:
- add yourself to the marionnet-dev team
- add yourself to the marionnet-dev mailing list
- write to <email address hidden>
[12321.0]: MARIONNET_DEBUG is true (debug level 1)
[12321.0]: Student exam mode: false
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_TERMINAL:
[12321.0]: - using default "xterm,-T,-e"
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - using default "default"
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - using default "default"
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - using default "default"
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - using default "default"
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_PREFIX:
[12321.0]: - using default "/usr/local/
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - using default "/usr/local/
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - using default "/usr/local/
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - using default ""
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_TMPDIR:
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_TIMEZONE:
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - using default "false"
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - found value ""
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - found value "false"
[12321.0]: Loading module icon.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module progress_bar.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/simple_
[12321.0]: Loading module cow_files.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module daemon_language.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module daemon_
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - found value "/tmp/my-
[12321.0]: Loading module daemon_client.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module death_monitor.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module disk.ml
[12321.6]: Starting the infinite polling loop.
[12321.0]: Loading module global_options.ml
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_BRIDGE:
[12321.0]: - found value "br0"
[12321.0]: Searching for variable MARIONNET_
[12321.0]: - found value "es"
[12321.0]: Loading module graph.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/gui_
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/talking.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/gui_bricks.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/ledgrid.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/ledgrid_
[12321.0]: ledgrid_manager: The blinker server socket is /tmp/.marionnet
[12321.0]: ledgrid_manager: Making a blinker thread
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/menu_
[12321.0]: Loading module message_passing.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module task_runner.ml
[12321.7]: ledgrid_manager: Making the socket
[12321.0]: Loading module treeview.ml
[12321.8]: task_runner: I'm ready for the next task...
[12321.7]: ledgrid_manager: Binding the socket
[12321.0]: Loading module treeview_defects.ml
[12321.7]: ledgrid_manager: Still alive
[12321.7]: ledgrid_manager: Ok, entering the thread main loop
[12321.0]: Loading module treeview_
[12321.0]: Loading module x.ml
[12321.0]: ---
Host X data from $DISPLAY:
Host: localhost
Host address:
Display: 0
Screen: 0
Cookie: f6ab27e50e135a3
Listening on port 6000: true
[12321.0]: (case 1) No X problems have to be fixed: connection seems working fine. Ok.
[12321.0]: Loading module simulation_level.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module xforest.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module sketch.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module treeview_
[12321.0]: Loading module treeview_history.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module user_level.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module state.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/gui_
[12321.0]: Loading module cable.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module cloud.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module ghost-location
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/gui_
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/gui_
[12321.0]: Loading module hub.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module machine.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module router.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module switch.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module world_bridge.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module world_gateway.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/gui_
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/gui_
[12321.0]: Loading module motherboard_
[12321.0]: Loading module gui/gui_
[12321.0]: Loading module serial.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module splash.ml
[12321.0]: Loading module marionnet.ml
[12321.0]: Starting the application
[12321.0]: Connecting to the daemon socket...
[12321.0]: Ok, connected with success.
[12321.0]: Checking whether Marionnet is running as root...
[12321.0]: Searching for a (distribution) prefix: "machine-"
[12321.0]: * guignol-18474 -> /usr/local/
[12321.0]: * debian-wheezy-08367 -> /usr/local/
[12321.0]: Searching for a (kernel) prefix: "linux-"
[12321.0]: * 3.2.64-ghost.config -> /usr/local/
[12321.0]: * 3.2.64-ghost -> /usr/local/
[12321.0]: Searching for a (variant) prefix: ""
[12321.0]: Searching for a (variant) prefix: ""
[12321.0]: configuration file found for "debian-
[12321.0]: configuration file found for "guignol-18474"
[12321.0]: Selected kernels for "debian-
[12321.0]: Selected kernels for "guignol-18474": [3.2.64-ghost 3.2.64-
[12321.0]: Searching for a (distribution) prefix: "router-"
[12321.0]: * guignol-18474 -> /usr/local/
[12321.0]: Searching for a (kernel) prefix: "linux-"
[12321.0]: * 3.2.64-ghost.config -> /usr/local/
[12321.0]: * 3.2.64-ghost -> /usr/local/
[12321.0]: Searching for a (variant) prefix: ""
[12321.0]: configuration file found for "guignol-18474"
[12321.0]: Selected kernels for "guignol-18474": [3.2.64-ghost 3.2.64-
[12321.0]: Executing: which `basename vde_switch`
[12321.0]: Executing: which `basename slirpvde`
[12321.0]: Executing: which dot
[12321.0]: handle_click: the splash screen was closed
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Nuevo" selected by user
[12321.0]: --- Dialog result:
save_current = no
filename = /home/agus/
[12321.0]: state#close_
[12321.0]: state#close_
[12321.0]: state#close_
[12321.8]: task_runner: Executing the task "In parallel: "
[12321.8]: task_runner: The task "In parallel: " succeeded.
[12321.8]: task_runner: I'm ready for the next task...
[12321.0]: ---
[12321.0]: network#reset: begin
Destroying all cables...
[12321.0]: Destroying all nodes (machines, switchs, hubs, routers, etc)...
[12321.0]: Synchronously wait that everything terminates...
[12321.0]: Waiting for all currently enqueued tasks to terminate...
[12321.8]: task_runner: Executing the task "wait until all scheduled tasks terminate"
[12321.8]: task_runner: The task "wait until all scheduled tasks terminate" succeeded.
[12321.8]: task_runner: I'm ready for the next task...
[12321.0]: ...all right, we have been signaled: tasks did terminate.
[12321.0]: Making the network graph empty...
[12321.0]: Wait for all devices to terminate...
[12321.0]: All devices did terminate.
network#reset: end (success)
[12321.22]: update_
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Modificar" selected by user
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Eliminar" selected by user
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Iniciar" selected by user
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Eliminar" selected by user
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Modificar" selected by user
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Adicionar" selected by user
[12321.0]: --- Dialog result:
[12321.0]: Making a defect treeview entry for machine "m1" with 1 ports (prefix eth, user port offset 0).
[12321.0]: Generated MAC address: 02:04:06:b3:9f:8e
[12321.0]: Treeview_
[12321.24]: update_
[12321.25]: update_
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Modificar" selected by user
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Eliminar" selected by user
[12321.0]: Menu entry with label "Iniciar" selected by user
[12321.0]: --- Dialog result:
name = m1
[12321.8]: task_runner: Executing the task "Comenzando m1"
[12321.8]: Starting up the device m1...
[12321.8]: Creating processes for m1 first...
[12321.8]: About to create the simulated device m1: it's connected to 0 cables.
[12321.8]: Relevant states for m1 are 1
[12321.8]: About to start the machine m1
with filesystem: /usr/local/
cow file: /tmp/marionnet-
kernel: /usr/local/
xnest: false
[12321.8]: reserved_
socket name "/tmp/marionnet
[12321.8]: reserved_
socket name "/tmp/marionnet
[12321.8]: process_
[12321.8]: process#spawn: `vde_switch' called with 7 arguments; the complete command line is:
vde_switch -x -n 3 -mod 777 -unix
[12321.8]: process#spawn: a process (vde_switch) was just spawned (pid 12412).
00000000e593416c: 00000002 00000000 00010000 0001 01 283453 /tmp/marionnet-
[12321.8]: process_
[12321.8]: process_
[12321.8]: process#spawn: `vde_switch' called with 7 arguments; the complete command line is:
vde_switch -x -n 3 -mod 777 -unix
[12321.8]: process#spawn: a process (vde_switch) was just spawned (pid 12417).
000000004807cf49: 00000002 00000000 00010000 0001 01 286179 /tmp/marionnet-
[12321.8]: process_
[12321.8]: uml_process: creating m1: eth42 has IP
[12321.8]: uml_process: creating m1: using default console arguments for new pairs filesystem/kernels
[12321.8]: Processes for m1 were created...
[12321.8]: Starting up the device m1...
[12321.34]: process#spawn: `wirefilter' called with 18 arguments; the complete command line is:
wirefilter -l LR0.000000 -D LR0.000000 --noise LR0 -d
-d RL0.000000+0.000000 -v
[12321.34]: process#spawn: a process (wirefilter) was just spawned (pid 12441). being added to access control list
[12321.33]: Executing: dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 seek=1048576 count=1 of='/tmp/
1+0 registros leídos
1+0 registros escritos
1024 bytes (1,0 kB, 1,0 KiB) copied, 0,000137505 s, 7,4 MB/s
[12321.33]: m1#create_
[12321.33]: Executing: export PATH=$PATH:
mkswap: /tmp/marionnet-
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1024 MiB (1073737728 bytes)
no label, UUID=edfbe3da-
[12321.33]: m1#create_
[12321.33]: process#spawn: `linux-
console_no=1 numeric_TZ=+02:00 timezone=
umid=m1 mem=96M root=98:0
guestkind=machine xterm=xterm,-T,-e
debug_mode=true con0=xterm
[12321.33]: process#spawn: a process (linux-
[12321.8]: The device m1 was started up
[12321.8]: task_runner: The task "Comenzando m1" succeeded.
[12321.8]: task_runner: I'm ready for the next task...
[12321.8]: task_runner: Executing the task "Destroy the progress bar for "Comenzando m1""
[12321.8]: A progress bar dialog window was destroyed.
[12321.8]: A progress bar dialog window was destroyed.
[12321.8]: task_runner: The task "Destroy the progress bar for "Comenzando m1"" succeeded.
[12321.8]: task_runner: I'm ready for the next task...
[12321.37]: process#
[12321.6]: You don't deadlock here m1, do you? -1
[12321.6]: You don't deadlock here m1, do you? 0
[12321.6]: About to destroy the simulated device m1
[12321.6]: (destroying the on/sleeping device m1. Powering it off first...)
[12321.6]: Powering off the device m1...
[12321.6]: machine_
[12321.40]: m1#gracefully_
[12321.35]: process#
[12321.40]: m1#gracefully_
[12321.40]: m1#gracefully_
[12321.40]: m1#terminate: killing whole hierarchy of pid 12467 with SIGKILL...
[12321.40]: m1#terminate: waiting pid 12467...
[12321.40]: m1#terminate: pid 12467 correctly waited. Fine.
[12321.40]: m1#terminate: removing swap file allocated for 12467
[12321.40]: Executing: rm -f '/tmp/marionnet
[12321.40]: m1#delete_
[12321.40]: m1#terminate: asking to remove tap allocated for 12467
[12321.40]: m1#terminate: UML process with pid 12467 successfully terminated.
[12321.6]: About to destroy the simulated device m1
[12321.6]: (destroying the off device m1: decrementing its cables rc...)
[12321.6]: (destroying the simulated device implementing m1...)
[12321.6]: device#destroy: resuming m1 before destruction...
[12321.6]: device#destroy: shutting down m1 before destruction...
[12321.6]: device#destroy: about to terminate m1's hublets...
[12321.6]: device#
[12321.27]: process#
[12321.6]: device#
[12321.6]: device#
[12321.29]: process#
[12321.6]: device#
[12321.6]: device#destroy: Ok, the hublets of m1 were destroyed.
[12321.6]: We're not deadlocked yet (m1). Great.
[12321.6]: The simulated device m1 was destroyed with success
[12321.6]: About to destroy the simulated device m1
[12321.6]: (destroying the already 'no-device' device m1. Doing nothing...)
[12321.6]: The simulated device m1 was destroyed with success
[12321.6]: The simulated device m1 was destroyed with success
[12321.19]: Raising exception Simulation_
[12321.19]: Raising exception Simulation_
[12321.19]: Raising exception Simulation_
[12321.19]: Raising exception Simulation_
I answer myself:
The problem was that the MX-linux 19.2 version I was using did not have systemd activated, it was to activate this and everything worked correctly.The problems when installing it in Ubuntu 20.04 I still do not know what they may be.