This is the current issue I'm getting:
root@ubuntu-phablet:~# mir_demo_server_basic
__pthread_gettid -2
ERROR: /build/buildd/mir-0.0.15+13.10.20131014/src/server/graphics/android/hwc_common_device.cpp(64): Throw in function mir::graphics::android::HWCCommonDevice::HWCCommonDevice(const std::shared_ptr<hwc_composer_device_1>&, const std::shared_ptr<mir::graphics::android::HWCVsyncCoordinator>&)
Dynamic exception type: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >
std::exception::what: Could not unblank display
[boost::errinfo_errno_*] = 16, "Device or resource busy"
This is the current issue I'm getting: phablet: ~# mir_demo_ server_ basic buildd/ mir-0.0. 15+13.10. 20131014/ src/server/ graphics/ android/ hwc_common_ device. cpp(64) : Throw in function mir::graphics: :android: :HWCCommonDevic e::HWCCommonDev ice(const std::shared_ ptr<hwc_ composer_ device_ 1>&, const std::shared_ ptr<mir: :graphics: :android: :HWCVsyncCoordi nator>& ) exception_ detail: :clone_ impl<boost: :exception_ detail: :error_ info_injector< std::runtime_ error> > :what: Could not unblank display :errinfo_ errno_* ] = 16, "Device or resource busy"
__pthread_gettid -2
ERROR: /build/
Dynamic exception type: boost::
Logcat: lib/egl/ libGLES_
I/ServiceManager( 530): Waiting for service SurfaceFlinger...
D/libEGL ( 1475): loaded /vendor/
I/gralloc ( 1475): using (id=)
I/gralloc ( 1475): xres = 2560 px
I/gralloc ( 1475): yres = 1600 px
I/gralloc ( 1475): width = 218 mm (298.275238 dpi)
I/gralloc ( 1475): height = 136 mm (298.823517 dpi)
I/gralloc ( 1475): refresh rate = 60.95 Hz
I/hwcomposer( 1475): unblank ioctl failed (display already unblanked)