This bug was fixed in the package mir - 0.1.7+14.04.20140317.1-0ubuntu1
mir (0.1.7+14.04.20140317.1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
[ Daniel van Vugt ]
* New upstream release 0.1.7 (
- mirserver ABI bumped to 17
- mirclient ABI unchanged, still at 7. Clients do not need rebuilding.
- Server API changes (AKA why doesn't my code build any more?):
. Class "CompositingCriteria" has been removed. It's replaced by the more
flexible "Renderable" interface. This also resulted in parameter
changes for the Renderer and scene filtering classes.
. The function "DisplayConfiguration::configure_output()" has been
removed. Instead, please use the new mutable version of "DisplayConfiguration::for_each_output()" with which you can modify
the output structure passed in on each iteration.
. Exposed formerly private class "GLRenderer" and demonstrated how
to override its behaviour in demo-shell. This area is under construction and may experience further major changes.
- Added initial support for hardware (HWC) overlays to accelerate
rendering and reduce power consumption. Not complete yet.
- Screen rotation: Added mouse cursor rotation support, so you can now
still control things on a rotated screen. Still missing rotation of
the cursor bitmap itself.
- Lots of fixes to support nested Mir servers (see below).
- Major simplification to how surface size/position/transformation
interact, making transformations much easier to manage and work with.
- Bugs fixed:
. ./ line 83: popd: build-android-arm: invalid
argument popd: usage: popd [-n] [+N | -N] (LP: #1287600)
. Key events sent to the wrong client (and delayed) (LP: #1213804)
. Nested servers never receive input events (in their filters)
(LP: #1260612)
. Software clients crash immediately on nested servers - what(): Failed
to mmap buffer (LP: #1261286)
. MirMotionEvent lacks local coordinates. Reports only screen coordinates. (LP: #1268819)
. Nested Mir crashes with - what(): MesaNativePlatform::create_internal_client is not implemented yet!
(LP: #1279092)
. clients fail to find some libraries if mir installed via "make install"
(LP: #1285566)
. Nested server hangs with multimonitor and internal clients.
(LP: #1287282)
. [regression] Multi-monitor frame sync no longer works (not synchronized), and frames skip/jump/stutter (LP: #1288570)
. Mir FTBFS: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmirtestdraw (when cmake .. -DMIR_ENABLE_TESTS=OFF) (LP: #1283951)
. nested Mir library calls next_buffer() during startup (LP: #1284739)
. Building Mir produces lots of warnings from GLM headers about
deprecated degrees values vs radians (LP: #1286010)
. [enhancement] screencast of a single window (LP: #1288478)
. Nexus4 + mir_demo_client_eglplasma starts to stutter after a while
(LP: #1189753)
. --host-socket documented default argument isn't used as default
(LP: #1262091)
This bug was fixed in the package mir - 0.1.7+14. 04.20140317. 1-0ubuntu1
--------------- 14.04.20140317. 1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
mir (0.1.7+
[ Daniel van Vugt ] /launchpad. net/mir/ +milestone/ 0.1.7) teria" has been removed. It's replaced by the more ration: :configure_ output( )" has been
"DisplayConfig uration: :for_each_ output( )" with which you can modify
construction and may experience further major changes. transformation compile- chroot. sh: line 83: popd: build-android-arm: invalid
coordinates. (LP: #1268819)
MesaNativePlat form::create_ internal_ client is not implemented yet!
synchronized) , and frames skip/jump/stutter (LP: #1288570)
-DMIR_ ENABLE_ TESTS=OFF) (LP: #1283951) client_ eglplasma starts to stutter after a while
* New upstream release 0.1.7 (https:/
- mirserver ABI bumped to 17
- mirclient ABI unchanged, still at 7. Clients do not need rebuilding.
- Server API changes (AKA why doesn't my code build any more?):
. Class "CompositingCri
flexible "Renderable" interface. This also resulted in parameter
changes for the Renderer and scene filtering classes.
. The function "DisplayConfigu
removed. Instead, please use the new mutable version of
the output structure passed in on each iteration.
. Exposed formerly private class "GLRenderer" and demonstrated how
to override its behaviour in demo-shell. This area is under
- Added initial support for hardware (HWC) overlays to accelerate
rendering and reduce power consumption. Not complete yet.
- Screen rotation: Added mouse cursor rotation support, so you can now
still control things on a rotated screen. Still missing rotation of
the cursor bitmap itself.
- Lots of fixes to support nested Mir servers (see below).
- Major simplification to how surface size/position/
interact, making transformations much easier to manage and work with.
- Bugs fixed:
. ./cross-
argument popd: usage: popd [-n] [+N | -N] (LP: #1287600)
. Key events sent to the wrong client (and delayed) (LP: #1213804)
. Nested servers never receive input events (in their filters)
(LP: #1260612)
. Software clients crash immediately on nested servers - what(): Failed
to mmap buffer (LP: #1261286)
. MirMotionEvent lacks local coordinates. Reports only screen
. Nested Mir crashes with - what():
(LP: #1279092)
. clients fail to find some libraries if mir installed via "make install"
(LP: #1285566)
. Nested server hangs with multimonitor and internal clients.
(LP: #1287282)
. [regression] Multi-monitor frame sync no longer works (not
. Mir FTBFS: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmirtestdraw (when cmake ..
. nested Mir library calls next_buffer() during startup (LP: #1284739)
. Building Mir produces lots of warnings from GLM headers about
deprecated degrees values vs radians (LP: #1286010)
. [enhancement] screencast of a single window (LP: #1288478)
. Nexus4 + mir_demo_
(LP: #1189753)
. --host-socket documented default argument isn't used as default
(LP: #1262091)
[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* New rebuild forced
-- Ubuntu daily release <email address hidden> Mon, 17 Mar 2014 15:12:00 +0000