Destroy two controllers and check pacemaker status is correct
1. Destroy first controller
2. Check pacemaker status
3. Run OSTF
4. Revert environment
5. Destroy second controller
6. Check pacemaker status
7. Run OSTF
Actual Result:
OStf failed on step 7:
Create volume and boot instance from it (failure)
Instance do not become active, so deletion starts, and failed by timeout
fuel_health.test: DEBUG: Waiting for <Server: ost1_test-boot-volume-instance1099375625> to get to ACTIVE status. Currently in build status
fuel_health.test: DEBUG: Sleeping for 10 seconds
fuel_health.common.test_mixins: INFO: STEP:5, verify action: 'server deletion'
fuel_health.nmanager: DEBUG: Deleting server.
fuel_health.test: DEBUG: Sleeping for 10 seconds
fuel_health.test: DEBUG: Sleeping for 10 seconds
fuel_health.common.test_mixins: INFO: Timeout 30s exceeded for server deletion
fuel_health.common.test_mixins: DEBUG: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel_health/common/", line 177, in verify
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel_health/common/", line 223, in __exit__
raise AssertionError(msg)
AssertionError: Time limit exceeded while waiting for server deletion to finish.
So looks like create instace after destructive actions take a liitle bit more time, so may we need to increase timeout for instance creation
- mirantis
production: "docker"
release: "8.0"
api: "1.0"
build_number: "408"
build_id: "408"
fuel-nailgun_sha: "9ebbaa0473effafa5adee40270da96acf9c7d58a"
python-fuelclient_sha: "4f234669cfe88a9406f4e438b1e1f74f1ef484a5"
fuel-agent_sha: "df16d41cd7a9445cf82ad9fd8f0d53824711fcd8"
fuel-nailgun-agent_sha: "92ebd5ade6fab60897761bfa084aefc320bff246"
astute_sha: "c7ca63a49216744e0bfdfff5cb527556aad2e2a5"
fuel-library_sha: "7ef751bdc0e4601310e85b8bf713a62ed4aee305"
fuel-ostf_sha: "214e794835acc7aa0c1c5de936e93696a90bb57a"
fuel-mirror_sha: "8bb8c70efc61bcf633e02d6054dbf5ec8dcf6699"
fuelmenu_sha: "2a0def56276f0fc30fd949605eeefc43e5d7cc6c"
shotgun_sha: "63645dea384a37dde5c01d4f8905566978e5d906"
network-checker_sha: "9f0ba4577915ce1e77f5dc9c639a5ef66ca45896"
fuel-upgrade_sha: "616a7490ec7199f69759e97e42f9b97dfc87e85b"
fuelmain_sha: "62573cb2a8aa54845de9303b4a30935a90e1db61"
Seems the root of issue not only in time-outs. We are waiting for dictionary as response, but got the error message:
ERROR: Gateway Time-out (HTTP 504)
Steps to reproduce:
1). Deploy cluster: 3Controllers, 2Computes, 1Cinder
2). Destroy (Force Shutoff) one controller
3). Create cinder volume
Expected: paste.openstack .org/show/ 483768/
Volume will be created in ~2min
Response will be like(in cli):
in rest api - dictionary
Actual: paste.openstack .org/show/ 483769/
Response: error message:
but the volume was created.
Approximate time of volume creation ~5 min
https:/ /drive. google. com/file/ d/0BzWDM1PONYEu b0FpdXlMdzQ3S1U /view?usp= sharing