Verified on MOS 8.0 + mu4 updates.
Result with fix:
root@node-2:~# nova boot --image TestVM --flavor m1.tiny --min-count 2 --max-count 3 --nic net-id=5cab1a63-b538-4ac7-b2b0-9cca5533b362 test1
ERROR (Forbidden): Maximum number of ports exceeded (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-cbcdc554-19d7-4e8f-8eaa-b386c1d399f6)
Verified on MOS 8.0 + mu4 updates. 5cab1a63- b538-4ac7- b2b0-9cca5533b3 62 test1 19d7-4e8f- 8eaa-b386c1d399 f6)
Result with fix:
root@node-2:~# nova boot --image TestVM --flavor m1.tiny --min-count 2 --max-count 3 --nic net-id=
ERROR (Forbidden): Maximum number of ports exceeded (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-cbcdc554-