Ensure to use exception per status code for all cases
Previously, only when an exception has a content with
{'NeutronError': {'type': xxxx, 'message': xxxx}},
exception per status code is raised from neutronclient library.
There are cases where this kind of message is not contained
in exception messages, for example, some extension is loaded.
Library users expect an exception is raised based on response
status code and it should not depend on an exception message.
This commit applies a fallback logic to map generic per-status
exception to all exception types from the neutron server.
Closes-Bug: #1653645
(cherry-picked from af1a55bfd2e47b0e3cd8349f0a9b1277474fee18)
Change-Id: Ib3d0a8359aed444b12217b3404d40443d61fc2c0
Reviewed: https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/29933 ci/fuel- 7.0/2015. 1.0
Submitter: Denis V. Meltsaykin <email address hidden>
Branch: openstack-
Commit: d43b2ff07971a2c 9fd67b75aaa0232 b758f42f37
Author: Akihiro Motoki <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 19 09:09:38 2017
Ensure to use exception per status code for all cases
Previously, only when an exception has a content with
{'NeutronError': {'type': xxxx, 'message': xxxx}},
exception per status code is raised from neutronclient library.
There are cases where this kind of message is not contained
in exception messages, for example, some extension is loaded.
Library users expect an exception is raised based on response
status code and it should not depend on an exception message.
This commit applies a fallback logic to map generic per-status
exception to all exception types from the neutron server.
Closes-Bug: #1653645
(cherry-picked from af1a55bfd2e47b0 e3cd8349f0a9b12 77474fee18) 4b12217b3404d40 443d61fc2c0
Change-Id: Ib3d0a8359aed44