network: handle unauthorized exception from neutron
Neutron can raise an unauthorized exception for an expired or invalid
token. In case of admin context we log a message to inform operators
that the Neutron admin creadential are not well configured then return
a 500 to user. In case of user context we return 401.
Closes-Bug: #1653645
(cherry-picked from 932512b7525f8822fb88c7345483a540ea7f80c0)
Change-Id: I87c8b86373967639eb55b4cc3b7d6cbd9780f3ac
Reviewed: https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/29640 ci/fuel- 7.0/2015. 1.0
Submitter: Denis V. Meltsaykin <email address hidden>
Branch: openstack-
Commit: 1058243ac69e148 8148a408584f233 7fa923389c
Author: Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 19 11:38:46 2017
network: handle unauthorized exception from neutron
Neutron can raise an unauthorized exception for an expired or invalid
token. In case of admin context we log a message to inform operators
that the Neutron admin creadential are not well configured then return
a 500 to user. In case of user context we return 401.
Closes-Bug: #1653645
(cherry-picked from 932512b7525f882 2fb88c7345483a5 40ea7f80c0) 39eb55b4cc3b7d6 cbd9780f3ac
Change-Id: I87c8b863739676