Reviewed: Submitter: Pkgs Jenkins <email address hidden> Branch: 9.0/mitaka
Commit: 019f3f79ebaaea5feafc70ac81c3c5846314ec36 Author: Chris Friesen <email address hidden> Date: Thu May 4 10:00:52 2017
Fix cold migration with qcow2 ephemeral disks
If we have qcow2 ephemeral disks we need to ensure that the backing file gets created on a cold migration.
This requires passing in the block_device_info when calling _create_image() so that we can loop over the ephemeral disks.
Closes-Bug: #1686944 Co-Authored-By: Feodor Tersin <email address hidden> Change-Id: Ie278bb10e1675ba1d903aaa3c0249be0d1cf147b (cherry picked from commit d7b831e38cbc029b7975d1059ed212762a5f6a5e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/35173
Submitter: Pkgs Jenkins <email address hidden>
Branch: 9.0/mitaka
Commit: 019f3f79ebaaea5 feafc70ac81c3c5 846314ec36
Author: Chris Friesen <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 4 10:00:52 2017
Fix cold migration with qcow2 ephemeral disks
If we have qcow2 ephemeral disks we need to ensure that the
backing file gets created on a cold migration.
This requires passing in the block_device_info when calling
_create_image() so that we can loop over the ephemeral disks.
Closes-Bug: #1686944 a1d903aaa3c0249 be0d1cf147b b7975d1059ed212 762a5f6a5e)
Co-Authored-By: Feodor Tersin <email address hidden>
Change-Id: Ie278bb10e1675b
(cherry picked from commit d7b831e38cbc029