Environment where it has been reproduced:
ababich@srv138-bud:~$ grep SNAPSHOT /home/jenkins/env_inject.properties
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel node
id | status | name | cluster | ip | mac | roles | pending_roles | online | group_id
3 | ready | slave-01_controller_mongo | 1 | | 64:90:06:c0:b7:2f | controller, mongo | | 1 | 1
6 | ready | slave-06_ironic | 1 | | 64:7f:6a:12:52:53 | ironic | | 1 | 1
1 | ready | slave-03_controller_mongo | 1 | | 64:88:73:ce:0c:b9 | controller, mongo | | 1 | 1
5 | ready | slave-02_controller_mongo | 1 | | 64:33:cf:78:73:4a | controller, mongo | | 1 | 1
2 | ready | slave-05_compute_cinder | 1 | | 64:99:c9:0a:2f:09 | cinder, compute | | 1 | 1
4 | ready | slave-04_compute_cinder | 1 | | 64:80:b7:c4:e9:43 | cinder, compute | | 1 | 1
About 20 Heat-related Tempest tests (http://paste.openstack.org/show/567167/) failed with an error which looks like:
tempest.lib.exceptions.ServerFault: Got server fault
Details: Remote error: OperationalError (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column 'stack.parent_resource_name' in 'field list'") [SQL: u'SELECT stack.created_at AS stack_created_at, stack.deleted_at AS stack_deleted_at, stack.action AS stack_action, stack.status AS stack_status, stack.status_reason AS stack_status_reason, stack.id AS stack_id, stack.name AS stack_name, stack.raw_template_id AS stack_raw_template_id, stack.prev_raw_template_id AS stack_prev_raw_template_id, stack.username AS stack_username, stack.tenant AS stack_tenant, stack.user_creds_id AS stack_user_creds_id, stack.owner_id AS stack_owner_id, stack.parent_resource_name AS stack_parent_resource_name, stack.timeout AS stack_timeout, stack.disable_rollback AS stack_disable_rollback, stack.stack_user_project_id AS stack_stack_user_project_id, stack.backup AS stack_backup, stack.nested_depth AS stack_nested_depth, stack.convergence AS stack_convergence, stack.current_traversal AS stack_current_traversal, stack.current_deps AS stack_current_deps, stack.updated_at AS stack_updated_at \nFROM stack \nWHERE stack.deleted_at IS NULL AND (stack.tenant = %s OR stack.stack_user_project_id = %s) AND stack.name = %s \n LIMIT %s'] [parameters: ('6f5e72831a9e4454836f1fb3df0a1cde', '6f5e72831a9e4454836f1fb3df0a1cde', 'tempest-heat-374357048', 1)]
Also, when trying to run 'heat stack-list' against controller belonging to indicated env, the result is:
root@node-1:~# heat stack-list
ERROR: Remote error: OperationalError (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column 'stack.parent_resource_name' in 'field list'") [SQL: u'SELECT stack.created_at AS stack_created_at, stack.deleted_at AS stack_deleted_at, stack.action AS stack_action, stack.status AS stack_status, stack.status_reason AS stack_status_reason, stack.id AS stack_id, stack.name AS stack_name, stack.raw_template_id AS stack_raw_template_id, stack.prev_raw_template_id AS stack_prev_raw_template_id, stack.username AS stack_username, stack.tenant AS stack_tenant, stack.user_creds_id AS stack_user_creds_id, stack.owner_id AS stack_owner_id, stack.parent_resource_name AS stack_parent_resource_name, stack.timeout AS stack_timeout, stack.disable_rollback AS stack_disable_rollback, stack.stack_user_project_id AS stack_stack_user_project_id, stack.backup AS stack_backup, stack.nested_depth AS stack_nested_depth, stack.convergence AS stack_convergence, stack.current_traversal AS stack_current_traversal, stack.current_deps AS stack_current_deps, stack.updated_at AS stack_updated_at \nFROM stack \nWHERE stack.deleted_at IS NULL AND stack.owner_id IS NULL AND stack.tenant = %s AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT 1 \nFROM stack_tag \nWHERE stack.id = stack_tag.stack_id AND stack_tag.tag IN (%s))) ORDER BY stack.created_at DESC, stack.id DESC'] [parameters: ('fb384b84ca984f52849359166573bd1b', 'data-processing-cluster')]
At the same time, everything is OK with listed-above tests when running them against another envs based on the same snapshot. Looks like specific env's failure.
It looks like we have several really similar bugs (not duplicates!) - because yesterday I saw the same behavior for Nova service:
https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/fuel/ +bug/1619740