cloud-init is working for me.
Setup: 2 Controllers HA ubuntu+GRE Setup Ceph for all fuel 5.1.1 (28/10/2014)
using Centos 6.6 cloud image from
and epel repo from here : rpm -ivh
yum install cloud-utils -y
and metadata service is working just fine.
The only thing that doesn't work is auto root fs resize.
I hope this helps
cloud-init is working for me.
2 Controllers HA
ubuntu+GRE Setup
Ceph for all
fuel 5.1.1 (28/10/2014)
using Centos 6.6 cloud image from http:// cloud.centos. org/centos/ 6/images/ CentOS- 6-x86_64- GenericCloud. qcow2
and epel repo from here : rpm -ivh http:// ftp-stud. hs-esslingen. de/pub/ epel/6/ i386/epel- release- 6-8.noarch. rpm
yum install cloud-utils -y
and metadata service is working just fine.
The only thing that doesn't work is auto root fs resize.
I hope this helps