On fuel 6.0 changelog
rpm -qp --changelog /var/www/nailgun/2014.2-6.0/centos/x86_64/Packages/cloud-init-0.7.4-2.mira1.noarch.rpm
and changelog of that package downloaded from epel are the same
rpm -qp --changelog cloud-init-0.7.4-2.el6.noarch
Even though size of packages are different:
[root@fuel mira]# ll cloud-init-0.7.4-2.mira1.noarch.rpm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 498732 Jan 4 02:02 cloud-init-0.7.4-2.mira1.noarch.rpm
[root@fuel epel]# ll cloud-init-0.7.4-2.el6.noarch.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 498952 Feb 9 02:37 cloud-init-0.7.4-2.el6.noarch.rpm
I extracted packages with
rpm2cpio cloud-init-0.7.4-2.mira1.noarch.rpm | cpio -idmv
rpm2cpio cloud-init-0.7.4-2.el6.noarch.rpm | cpio -idmv
And found that only difference is cc_keys_to_console.pyc and cc_keys_to_console.pyo files. Even though source code cc_keys_to_console.py is the same. All other files have same md5sum too.
So, should we file a bug in centos|rhel bugtracker?
What our customers should do, before it is fixed in upstream? Probably, you can share you rebuilded version of package?
I found cloud-init-0.7.5-10.el6.centos.2.src.rpm in centos extras repo for centos 6.6 http://vault.centos.org/6.6/extras/Source/SPackages/
And spec there contains packages, that you mentioned
Patch0001: 0001-update-paths-for-rhel.patch
Patch0002: 0002-fix-rsyslog-programname-match.patch
Patch0003: 0003-Stopped-calling-udevadm-settle-with-quiet-since-syst.patch
Patch0004: 0004-fix-typo-in-settings.py-preventing-metadata-being-fe.patch
But source rpmcloud-init-0.7.4-2.el6.src.rpm from here https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/SRPMS/
doesn't contain patches, that you mentioned.
Version: 0.7.4
Release: 2%{?dist}
Summary: Cloud instance init scripts
Hello, Sergey.
What version of cloud-init is usually used in centos? From EPEL? dl.fedoraprojec t.org/pub/ epel/6/ x86_64/ repoview/ cloud-init. html 0.7.4-2. el6.noarch
Here http://
I can see only this version: cloud-init-
But in epel7 repo dl.fedoraprojec t.org/pub/ epel/7/ x86_64/ repoview/ cloud-init. html 0.7.5-6. el7.x86_ 64 is available
On fuel 6.0 changelog nailgun/ 2014.2- 6.0/centos/ x86_64/ Packages/ cloud-init- 0.7.4-2. mira1.noarch. rpm 0.7.4-2. el6.noarch
rpm -qp --changelog /var/www/
and changelog of that package downloaded from epel are the same
rpm -qp --changelog cloud-init-
Even though size of packages are different: 0.7.4-2. mira1.noarch. rpm 0.7.4-2. mira1.noarch. rpm 0.7.4-2. el6.noarch. rpm 0.7.4-2. el6.noarch. rpm
[root@fuel mira]# ll cloud-init-
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 498732 Jan 4 02:02 cloud-init-
[root@fuel epel]# ll cloud-init-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 498952 Feb 9 02:37 cloud-init-
I extracted packages with 0.7.4-2. mira1.noarch. rpm | cpio -idmv 0.7.4-2. el6.noarch. rpm | cpio -idmv
rpm2cpio cloud-init-
rpm2cpio cloud-init-
And found that only difference is cc_keys_ to_console. pyc and cc_keys_ to_console. pyo files. Even though source code cc_keys_ to_console. py is the same. All other files have same md5sum too.
[root@fuel config_mira]# md5sum cc_keys_ to_console. py e468d4af72b368d 55 cc_keys_ to_console. py
[root@fuel config_epel]# md5sum cc_keys_ to_console. py e468d4af72b368d 55 cc_keys_ to_console. py
[root@fuel config_mira]# md5sum cc_keys_ to_console. pyc 8e8a95484aa12f6 71 cc_keys_ to_console. pyc
[root@fuel config_epel]# md5sum cc_keys_ to_console. pyc 44a9c934056fde1 ca cc_keys_ to_console. pyc
[root@fuel config_mira]# md5sum cc_keys_ to_console. pyo 8e8a95484aa12f6 71 cc_keys_ to_console. pyo
[root@fuel config_epel]# md5sum cc_keys_ to_console. pyo 44a9c934056fde1 ca cc_keys_ to_console. pyo
So, should we file a bug in centos|rhel bugtracker?
What our customers should do, before it is fixed in upstream? Probably, you can share you rebuilded version of package?
UPD: 0.7.5-10. el6.centos. 2.src.rpm in centos extras repo for centos 6.6 vault.centos. org/6.6/ extras/ Source/ SPackages/ paths-for- rhel.patch rsyslog- programname- match.patch calling- udevadm- settle- with-quiet- since-syst. patch typo-in- settings. py-preventing- metadata- being-fe. patch
I found cloud-init-
And spec there contains packages, that you mentioned
Patch0001: 0001-update-
Patch0002: 0002-fix-
Patch0003: 0003-Stopped-
Patch0004: 0004-fix-
Patch1001: cloud-init- centos- opennebula. patch centos- hostnamefix. patch centos- opennebula- requiretty. patch centos- cloudstack- urlhandling. patch
Patch1002: cloud-init-
Patch1003: cloud-init-
Patch1004: cloud-init-
But source rpmcloud- init-0. 7.4-2.el6. src.rpm from here https:/ /dl.fedoraproje ct.org/ pub/epel/ 6/SRPMS/
doesn't contain patches, that you mentioned.
Version: 0.7.4
Release: 2%{?dist}
Summary: Cloud instance init scripts
Group: System Environment/Base launchpad. net/cloud- init /launchpad. net/cloud- init/trunk/ %{version} /+download/ cloud-init- %{version} .tar.gz README. fedora 0.7.2-fedora. patch
License: GPLv3
URL: http://
Source0: https:/
Source1: cloud-init-rhel.cfg
Source2: cloud-init-
Patch0: cloud-init-