Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 6ac4ce2eb1c5090e4bf35f1c5eab9e66f6af4f8f Author: Wanlong Gao <email address hidden> Date: Tue Dec 29 09:23:53 2015 +0800
Python 3 deprecated the logger.warn method in favor of warning
Python 3 deprecated the logger.warn method, see:, so we prefer to use warning to avoid DeprecationWarning.
Closes-Bug: 1508442 Change-Id: I245d24b30e783f1c6dcec1b425d78d271edff49b
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/262099 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ magnum/ commit/ ?id=6ac4ce2eb1c 5090e4bf35f1c5e ab9e66f6af4f8f
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 6ac4ce2eb1c5090 e4bf35f1c5eab9e 66f6af4f8f
Author: Wanlong Gao <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 29 09:23:53 2015 +0800
Python 3 deprecated the logger.warn method in favor of warning
Python 3 deprecated the logger.warn method, see: /docs.python. org/3/library/ logging. html#logging. warning, so we
prefer to use warning to avoid DeprecationWarning.
Closes-Bug: 1508442 1c6dcec1b425d78 d271edff49b
Change-Id: I245d24b30e783f