Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 5d22ccf016b70886c969d8910a8ce42c97580a44 Author: Anton Arefiev <email address hidden> Date: Fri Oct 9 15:39:36 2015 +0300
Replace deprecated LOG.warn with warning
LOG.warn is deprecated. It still used in a few places. This updates those one to use the non-deprecated LOG.warning instead.
Closes-Bug: 1508442 Change-Id: Id947e4c8ae9894f480192a5ab034c24c25125788
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/238020 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ ironic/ commit/ ?id=5d22ccf016b 70886c969d8910a 8ce42c97580a44
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 5d22ccf016b7088 6c969d8910a8ce4 2c97580a44
Author: Anton Arefiev <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 9 15:39:36 2015 +0300
Replace deprecated LOG.warn with warning
LOG.warn is deprecated. It still used in a few places. This updates
those one to use the non-deprecated LOG.warning instead.
Closes-Bug: 1508442 f480192a5ab034c 24c25125788
Change-Id: Id947e4c8ae9894