Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit a4f2cece32120a5460056ab4e2b893e43d88d9ac Author: Sukhdev Kapur <email address hidden> Date: Wed Aug 9 19:00:56 2017 -0700
Make driver compatible with latest Neutron code
Removed the method that has been deprecated from Neutron Also, updated the driver code to allow for https and http without requiring to have a cafile in /opt/stack/data
Closes-Bug: #1709743 d
Change-Id: Id696c7cf210b03f9727e69fa7d6061d26661d254
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/492344 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ networking- opencontrail/ commit/ ?id=a4f2cece321 20a5460056ab4e2 b893e43d88d9ac
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit a4f2cece32120a5 460056ab4e2b893 e43d88d9ac
Author: Sukhdev Kapur <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Aug 9 19:00:56 2017 -0700
Make driver compatible with latest Neutron code
Removed the method that has been deprecated from Neutron
Also, updated the driver code to allow for https and http
without requiring to have a cafile in /opt/stack/data
Closes-Bug: #1709743
Change-Id: Id696c7cf210b03 f9727e69fa7d606 1d26661d254