Out of curiosity, I just searched through Nova bugs that are fix-committed or fix-released that also have the 'verification-done' tag (one of the tags used for SRU processing into older Ubuntu released), and found that there are a reasonable amount of upstream bugs that are also used for Ubuntu & Cloud Archive tracking: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status:list=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status:list=FIXRELEASED&field.tag=verification-done
Out of curiosity, I just searched through Nova bugs that are fix-committed or fix-released that also have the 'verification-done' tag (one of the tags used for SRU processing into older Ubuntu released), and found that there are a reasonable amount of upstream bugs that are also used for Ubuntu & Cloud Archive tracking: https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/nova/ +bugs?search= Search& field.status: list=FIXCOMMITT ED&field. status: list=FIXRELEASE D&field. tag=verificatio n-done