This bug is used to track the "removal mox/mox3 usage from testing" community goal in Rocky [1] under the neutron stadium [2].
As of Mar 5 2018, the following projects are using mox3:
- python-neutronclient - networking-midonet - neutron-fwaas-dashboard - neutron-vpnaas-dashboard
This bug is used to track the "removal mox/mox3 usage from testing" community goal in Rocky [1] under the neutron stadium [2].
As of Mar 5 2018, the following projects are using mox3:
- python- neutronclient fwaas-dashboard vpnaas- dashboard
- networking-midonet
- neutron-
- neutron-
[1] https:/ /governance. openstack. org/tc/ goals/rocky/ mox_removal. html