After a quick look around the code, I noticed two problems.
- 'shared' attribute in firewall resource is not passed to DB entry. [1]
- 'shared' attribute is marked as 'visible=False' in the attribute map, so 'shared' attribute does not exist in the API response. [2]
If we read the code and FWaaS API literally, it seems that changing the above two points fixes the bug.
After a quick look around the code, I noticed two problems.
- 'shared' attribute in firewall resource is not passed to DB entry. [1]
- 'shared' attribute is marked as 'visible=False' in the attribute map, so 'shared' attribute does not exist in the API response. [2]
If we read the code and FWaaS API literally, it seems that changing the above two points fixes the bug.
[1] https:/ /github. com/openstack/ neutron- fwaas/blob/ master/ neutron_ fwaas/db/ firewall/ firewall_ /github. com/openstack/ neutron- fwaas/blob/ master/ neutron_ fwaas/extension s/firewall. py#L323
[2] https:/