ovs: log config options when all of them are registered
Otherwise we don't see some of them for the agent, for example,
AGENT.root_helper is missing.
To make sure the logging is as early as possible, and to make sure that
options that may be registered by extensions are also logged, some
refactoring was applied to the code to move the extension manager
loading as early as possible, even before agent's __init__ is called.
Related-Bug: #1718767
Change-Id: I823150cf6406f709d1e4ffa74897d598e80f5329
(cherry picked from commit 45be804b4069599e8eda9820084fcf11fb94167b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/508277 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=3fc09ed05a1 b3613c5fbbc6f95 5dbf68889e9a3e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/pike
commit 3fc09ed05a1b361 3c5fbbc6f955dbf 68889e9a3e
Author: Ihar Hrachyshka <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Sep 15 10:46:26 2017 -0600
ovs: log config options when all of them are registered
Otherwise we don't see some of them for the agent, for example, root_helper is missing.
To make sure the logging is as early as possible, and to make sure that
options that may be registered by extensions are also logged, some
refactoring was applied to the code to move the extension manager
loading as early as possible, even before agent's __init__ is called.
Related-Bug: #1718767 09d1e4ffa74897d 598e80f5329 e8eda9820084fcf 11fb94167b)
Change-Id: I823150cf6406f7
(cherry picked from commit 45be804b4069599