This fixes UT failures on systems without the procfs entry
by adding appropriate mocking. The problem introduced by
the following change:
commit 0c963f6140237d8d3f361c6aaa7d2a6b656504db
Also, add a test for the case which the change in question fixed.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/130450 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=be67d6db0f0 53c3d87cc38439d b0bd05948f4b85
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/icehouse
commit be67d6db0f053c3 d87cc38439db0bd 05948f4b85
Author: YAMAMOTO Takashi <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 1 13:39:12 2014 +0900
Fix a recent ipv6 UT regression
This fixes UT failures on systems without the procfs entry /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 116826/ d3f361c6aaa7d2a 6b656504db
by adding appropriate mocking. The problem introduced by
the following change:
commit 0c963f6140237d8
Also, add a test for the case which the change in question fixed.
Closes-Bug: #1363805 5e2288adc411540 ab036025ed0 14d3c421f07e68f 6ce45f7d7d)
Related-Bug: #1361542
Change-Id: I72842c3446f327
(cherry picked from commit 6f5f14872387f38