The absolute path name of the rootfs is:
However, since /usr/local/nova is a symbolic link of the /usr/local/upstream-Sep-5,
the code tries to unmount "/usr/local/nova/instances/instance-0000000f/rootfs".
Then, is it a bug or should I not use symbolic link at all?
Yes, I've enabled nbd manually.
I've added your code and got it!
You are absolutely right. It didn't find the path of the rootfs.
2012-09-07 15:42:23 INFO nova.virt. libvirt. driver [req-fe924337- 1fdd-4a69- 9563-dc5d093bfb 68 admin admin] [instance: d5a4ab12- 32e9-4ad5- b7ce-7b8c9e9d85 1f] Deleting instance files /usr/local/ nova/instances/ instance- 0000000f 1fdd-4a69- 9563-dc5d093bfb 68 admin admin] Didn't find /usr/local/ nova/instances/ instance- 0000000f/ rootfs in rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
2012-09-07 15:42:23 DEBUG nova.virt.disk.api [req-fe924337-
It is due to the symbolic link used for nova directory.
$ ls -l /usr/local/nova
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 15 Sep 5 14:39 /usr/local/nova -> upstream-Sep-5/
The absolute path name of the rootfs is: usr/local/ upstream- Sep-5/instances /instance- 0000000f/ rootfs upstream- Sep-5, nova/instances/ instance- 0000000f/ rootfs" .
However, since /usr/local/nova is a symbolic link of the /usr/local/
the code tries to unmount "/usr/local/
Then, is it a bug or should I not use symbolic link at all?