I can see the need for swap to be in MB if the instance memory is less than 1G. According to Red Hat (https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Storage_Administration_Guide/ch-swapspace.html): Swap should equal 2x physical RAM for up to 2 GB of physical RAM, and then an additional 1x physical RAM for any amount above 2 GB, but never less than 32 MB.
I am not sure if this is a bug. Maybe the swap column should be more appropriately labeled, e.g. Swap_MB, to match the size it is showing.
I can see the need for swap to be in MB if the instance memory is less than 1G. According to Red Hat (https:/ /access. redhat. com/site/ documentation/ en-US/Red_ Hat_Enterprise_ Linux/6/ html/Storage_ Administration_ Guide/ch- swapspace. html): Swap should equal 2x physical RAM for up to 2 GB of physical RAM, and then an additional 1x physical RAM for any amount above 2 GB, but never less than 32 MB.
I am not sure if this is a bug. Maybe the swap column should be more appropriately labeled, e.g. Swap_MB, to match the size it is showing.