Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 1490001c3ee9b2c935c5f81df97d46ae585c4dfc Author: Rui Zang <email address hidden> Date: Wed Jun 4 22:30:33 2014 +0800
Add swap measurement unit (MB) to CLI output
The measurement unit of the swap memory in flavor is MB. If not clearly labeled, some may confuse it with other disk's units which are GB.
Closes-Bug: #1323541 Change-Id: I29b4c8e14bcdb3505d5c0bae8bcf653c96b27413
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/97694 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ python- novaclient/ commit/ ?id=1490001c3ee 9b2c935c5f81df9 7d46ae585c4dfc
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 1490001c3ee9b2c 935c5f81df97d46 ae585c4dfc
Author: Rui Zang <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jun 4 22:30:33 2014 +0800
Add swap measurement unit (MB) to CLI output
The measurement unit of the swap memory in flavor is MB.
If not clearly labeled, some may confuse it with other disk's
units which are GB.
Closes-Bug: #1323541 505d5c0bae8bcf6 53c96b27413
Change-Id: I29b4c8e14bcdb3