Hi all, To fix this issues they are three solutions which are mentioned below: Solution 1: Check the instance is booted from volume or not by calling the dp api and if it's booted from volume then set the flavor.root_gb as 0. Drawback: This causes the perfomance issue while getting usages. Checked the time required to get 1000 instance usages using simple tenant usage api on solution 1 and on current master but seems that it's taking double time to get usages on Solution 1. You can see the time difference below: Time taken to take instance usage on master: 1. $ time nova usage --tenant b844ea0d94cb41d289f70e02bf555d15 +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 662.61 | 1.29 | 1.29 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m3.325s user 0m1.660s sys 0m0.128s 2. $ time nova usage --tenant b844ea0d94cb41d289f70e02bf555d15 +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 662.61 | 1.29 | 1.29 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m3.298s user 0m1.676s sys 0m0.120s 3. $ time nova usage --tenant b844ea0d94cb41d289f70e02bf555d15 +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 662.61 | 1.29 | 1.29 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m3.372s user 0m1.672s sys 0m0.108s Average time: 3 sec Time taken to take instances usage on Solution 1: 1. $ time nova usage --tenant b844ea0d94cb41d289f70e02bf555d15 +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 662.61 | 1.29 | 0.00 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m7.762s user 0m1.680s sys 0m0.128s 2. $ time nova usage --tenant b844ea0d94cb41d289f70e02bf555d15 +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 662.61 | 1.29 | 0.00 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m6.922s user 0m1.644s sys 0m0.160s 3. $ time nova usage --tenant b844ea0d94cb41d289f70e02bf555d15 +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 662.61 | 1.29 | 0.00 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m6.839s user 0m1.672s sys 0m0.092s Average time: 7 sec Solution 2: Tried to get the usages information from the placement api: There are two placement api we can get the usages info which are mentioned below: 1. get allocations for instance using the placement api GET /allocations/{instance_uuid} 2. get total usages for specific tenant/project_id using GET /usages?project_id= Drawback: Once the instance get deleted the allocations records from placement db get deleted, so usages will be shown as 0 because of this user will not get deleted instance usages So it’s not possible to use placement api's to fix this issue. So from above two solutions drawback I have thought about solution 3which is mentioned below: Solution 3: Checked if instance.image_ref then consider info[disk_gb] as(instance.flavor.root_gb + instance.flavor.ephemeral_gb) aelse consider 0 that means if instance is booted from image then local_gb will be taken as instance.flavor.root_gb else take it as 0. This solution is not causing any perfomance issue. Time taken on current master: $ time nova usage --tenant afe3257305514254a4ae6c451bb23804 +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 632.89 | 1.24 | 1.24 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m3.937s user 0m1.732s sys 0m0.096s $ time nova usage --tenant afe3257305514254a4ae6c451bb23804 +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 632.89 | 1.24 | 1.24 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m3.369s user 0m1.660s sys 0m0.112s $ time nova usage --tenant afe3257305514254a4ae6c451bb23804 +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 632.89 | 1.24 | 1.24 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m3.272s user 0m1.668s sys 0m0.136s Average time: 3 sec Time taken on solution 3: $ time nova usage --tenant afe3257305514254a4ae6c451bb23804 Usage from 2017-08-15 to 2017-09-13: +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 632.89 | 1.24 | 0.00 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m3.324s user 0m1.680s sys 0m0.092s $ time nova usage --tenant afe3257305514254a4ae6c451bb23804 Usage from 2017-08-15 to 2017-09-13: +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 632.89 | 1.24 | 0.00 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m3.276s user 0m1.612s sys 0m0.164s $ time nova usage --tenant afe3257305514254a4ae6c451bb23804 Usage from 2017-08-15 to 2017-09-13: +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | Servers | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ | 1000 | 632.89 | 1.24 | 0.00 | +---------+--------------+-----------+---------------+ real 0m3.394s user 0m1.688s sys 0m0.120s Average time: 3 sec So from above results it seems that same time is required to get instances usages on both current master and solution 3. Needs others opinion about this.