Add functional test for resize crash compute restart revert
During review of change I51673e58fc8d5f051df911630f6d7a928d123a5b
there was discussion about the RESIZE_MIGRATING crashed resize
cleanup on restart of the compute service and how it may or may
not work but is likely missing some things to cleanup like fields
set on the instance during prep_resize and resource allocations
in placement.
This adds a functional test to hit that code and make assertions
about what it does and does not cleanup after the crashed resize.
Needed changes in compared to Queens:
* The last assert, self.assertNotIn(server['id'], source_allocations),
in the functional reproduce does not fails so it is removed.
The rest of the test asserts still shows that at least part of the
bug exists in pike.
Related-Bug: #1836369
Change-Id: I107d842520c088b4859a3b36621ce6bd8e970475
(cherry picked from commit 8db712fe040b15f2b8bc5538338658d3aac246e3)
(cherry picked from commit c565cab47945146cbbd1f1a75f42fef0fc531483)
(cherry picked from commit f04fc63ffcde238f31c28c0fc5886716b669d718)
(cherry picked from commit dae6fbfce61b91d44e514d73b6e9979ff0c15fae)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/687913 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=4ddb1bddd6b 2c3f5c317471fe7 36f936158dfeff
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit 4ddb1bddd6b2c3f 5c317471fe736f9 36158dfeff
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 11 17:11:32 2019 -0400
Add functional test for resize crash compute restart revert
During review of change I51673e58fc8d5f 051df911630f6d7 a928d123a5b
there was discussion about the RESIZE_MIGRATING crashed resize
cleanup on restart of the compute service and how it may or may
not work but is likely missing some things to cleanup like fields
set on the instance during prep_resize and resource allocations
in placement.
This adds a functional test to hit that code and make assertions
about what it does and does not cleanup after the crashed resize.
Needed changes in compared to Queens: n(server[ 'id'], source_ allocations) ,
* The last assert, self.assertNotI
in the functional reproduce does not fails so it is removed.
The rest of the test asserts still shows that at least part of the
bug exists in pike.
Related-Bug: #1836369
Change-Id: I107d842520c088 b4859a3b36621ce 6bd8e970475 2b8bc5538338658 d3aac246e3) cbbd1f1a75f42fe f0fc531483) f31c28c0fc58867 16b669d718) 44e514d73b6e997 9ff0c15fae)
(cherry picked from commit 8db712fe040b15f
(cherry picked from commit c565cab47945146
(cherry picked from commit f04fc63ffcde238
(cherry picked from commit dae6fbfce61b91d