Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 3d28e3d3f9cc755389c933e86b9be1edf8ba1dc3 Author: Dan Prince <email address hidden> Date: Fri Apr 27 09:36:34 2012 -0400
Make KillFilter to handle 'deleted' w/o rstrip.
The initial code for this fixed used rstrip incorrectly. This implementation uses endswith and rindex instead and should read a bit more easily.
Also added a unit test to test that 'deleted' exe's are filtered correctly.
Fixes LP Bug #967931.
Change-Id: I1783a8e2d59edd35734673b23e295f5a0b80b988
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/6865 github. com/openstack/ nova/commit/ 3d28e3d3f9cc755 389c933e86b9be1 edf8ba1dc3
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 3d28e3d3f9cc755 389c933e86b9be1 edf8ba1dc3
Author: Dan Prince <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 27 09:36:34 2012 -0400
Make KillFilter to handle 'deleted' w/o rstrip.
The initial code for this fixed used rstrip incorrectly.
This implementation uses endswith and rindex instead
and should read a bit more easily.
Also added a unit test to test that 'deleted' exe's are
filtered correctly.
Fixes LP Bug #967931.
Change-Id: I1783a8e2d59edd 35734673b23e295 f5a0b80b988