Nova is unable to disable key ssh key injection when launching images. This does not allow the uesrs to pull their own keys from a metadata service or from a script. This option is disabled by default.
1. Launch instance
2. Check to see if there is ssh keys in /root/.ssh
3. Set "libvirt_inject_key=False" in /etc/nova/nova.conf
4. Restart /etc/nova/nova.conf
5. Launch instance
6. Check to see if there is ssh keys in /root/.ssh
** Regression Potential **
Disabling ssh keys inject is turned off by default, so there is minimal regression potential.
** Impact **
Nova is unable to disable key ssh key injection when launching images. This does not allow the uesrs to pull their own keys from a metadata service or from a script. This option is disabled by default.
** Development Fix **
This issue was resolved in the latest development release in: https:/ /review. openstack. org/6092
** Stable Fix **
This issue was resolve in the stable release in: https:/ /review. openstack. org/6830
*** Test Case **
1. Launch instance inject_ key=False" in /etc/nova/nova.conf
2. Check to see if there is ssh keys in /root/.ssh
3. Set "libvirt_
4. Restart /etc/nova/nova.conf
5. Launch instance
6. Check to see if there is ssh keys in /root/.ssh
** Regression Potential **
Disabling ssh keys inject is turned off by default, so there is minimal regression potential.