Fix rebuild compute RPC API exception for rolling-upgrades
By I0d889691de1af6875603a9f0f174590229e7be18 we broke rebuild for Yoga
or older computes.
By I9660d42937ad62d647afc6be965f166cc5631392 we broke rebuild for Zed
Fixing this by making the parameters optional.
NOTE(elod.illes): conflict is due to feature 'allowing target state for
evacuate' I9660d42937ad62d647afc6be965f166cc5631392 was added in 2023.1
Antelope cycle.
Change-Id: I0ca04045f8ac742e2b50490cbe5efccaee45c5c0
Closed-Bug: #2040264
(cherry picked from commit ee9ed0f7c6abf7c4847e6dc31f6d3d79b25b9d99)
(cherry picked from commit 6b870ab90afe400ec82715e908afecbb00f0ed65)
(cherry picked from commit edfb3975807b3eda4fae0ea07a3d99871ca87cae)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /nova/+ /900341 /opendev. org/openstack/ nova/commit/ 1b9c4c7e6442519 6b5776154a0618c 9e2a763be8
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/zed
commit 1b9c4c7e6442519 6b5776154a0618c 9e2a763be8
Author: Sylvain Bauza <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 25 10:58:36 2023 +0200
Fix rebuild compute RPC API exception for rolling-upgrades
By I0d889691de1af6 875603a9f0f1745 90229e7be18 we broke rebuild for Yoga d647afc6be965f1 66cc5631392 we broke rebuild for Zed
or older computes.
By I9660d42937ad62
Fixing this by making the parameters optional.
Conflicts: compute/ manager. py
NOTE( elod.illes) : conflict is due to feature 'allowing target state for d647afc6be965f1 66cc5631392 was added in 2023.1
evacuate' I9660d42937ad62
Antelope cycle.
Change-Id: I0ca04045f8ac74 2e2b50490cbe5ef ccaee45c5c0 4847e6dc31f6d3d 79b25b9d99) ec82715e908afec bb00f0ed65) a4fae0ea07a3d99 871ca87cae)
Closed-Bug: #2040264
(cherry picked from commit ee9ed0f7c6abf7c
(cherry picked from commit 6b870ab90afe400
(cherry picked from commit edfb3975807b3ed