We recently found a rolling-upgrade bug on rebuild so we need to make
sure that grenade-multinode can verify all our instance actions.
Given we pin the compute RPC API version to the N-1 compute one, we are
sure that all RPC calls continue to behave the previous release.
NOTE : Given the previous cycle was already supporting 6.2 RPC version,
we can't test here the previous problems hence why this is the last
patch from the series.
NOTE(elod.illes): conflict is due to test_live_migration_with_trunk
test exlusion (I0a8dd6e6e30526aa2841b4db67ed9affed166fd8) was not
backported to stable branches.
Change-Id: I1d8deb139922494dd74ff32965fd7dd74d1d768b
Related-Bug: #2040264
(cherry picked from commit b64ecb0cc776bd3eced674b0f879bb23c8a4b486)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /nova/+ /900339 /opendev. org/openstack/ nova/commit/ 611bd95aab38004 19bdc38e37da7d7 e145fef558
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/2023.2
commit 611bd95aab38004 19bdc38e37da7d7 e145fef558
Author: Sylvain Bauza <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 26 11:00:03 2023 +0200
Adding server actions tests to grenade-multinode
We recently found a rolling-upgrade bug on rebuild so we need to make
sure that grenade-multinode can verify all our instance actions.
Given we pin the compute RPC API version to the N-1 compute one, we are
sure that all RPC calls continue to behave the previous release.
NOTE : Given the previous cycle was already supporting 6.2 RPC version,
we can't test here the previous problems hence why this is the last
patch from the series.
NOTE( elod.illes) : conflict is due to test_live_ migration_ with_trunk 6aa2841b4db67ed 9affed166fd8) was not
test exlusion (I0a8dd6e6e3052
backported to stable branches.
Change-Id: I1d8deb13992249 4dd74ff32965fd7 dd74d1d768b eced674b0f879bb 23c8a4b486)
Related-Bug: #2040264
(cherry picked from commit b64ecb0cc776bd3