Helper scripts for modifying cloud-config-novajoin.json
Adding two helper scripts to unpack cloud-config-novajoin.json to a more
readable form. After editing cloud-config-novajoin.yaml, it still has to
be packed into cloud-config-novajoin.json with tools/
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/673836 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ x/novajoin/ commit/ ?id=6506855623f a6d2a4ea13131d1 53b7477b8a8be2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 6506855623fa6d2 a4ea13131d153b7 477b8a8be2
Author: Grzegorz Grasza <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jul 31 16:34:28 2019 +0200
Helper scripts for modifying cloud-config- novajoin. json
Adding two helper scripts to unpack cloud-config- novajoin. json to a more novajoin. yaml, it still has to novajoin. json with tools/cloud- config-
readable form. After editing cloud-config-
be packed into cloud-config-
Related-Bug: 1836529 7f8a0070f40ddeb 8a7113c33b3
Change-Id: I3d6a3e5f97608f