[MIR] oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta

Bug #1925014 reported by OEM Taipei Bot
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
OEM Priority Project
Fix Committed
OEM Taipei Bot
In Progress

Bug Description


Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MIRTeam/Exceptions/OEM and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/OEMMeta for details.


 1. Upgrade path: Users will be upgrading from a package in the associated OEM archive, not the Ubuntu archive.
 2. The background and impact of the situation for this change, and it's impact.


 1. Test that `ubuntu-drivers list-oem` lists the meta-package on the relevant hardware
 2. Test that fully installing the meta-package (upgrading to the OEM archive if relevant) works properly on the hardware
 3. Do an offline install. Boot the system. Run update-manager. Check that an upgrade to the OEM package is offered and that it completes successfully and the hardware works properly.

[Regression Potential]

Most potential regressions will live in the package set that will be installed via dependency of this package, which live in OEM archive (outside of Ubuntu) and control by OEM team. OEM team and other corresponding team need take responsibility of those dependency installed.

[When switching kernel flavour] Check that the new kernel flavour works on the target platform.

This is a meta package for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MIRTeam/Exceptions/OEM that means the package doesn't exist in Debian or Ubuntu archive yet.
The source code of the oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta for focal:
    git clone -b cmit.cascppm-focal-ubuntu https://git.launchpad.net/~oem-solutions-engineers/pc-enablement/+git/oem-stella-projects-meta

We want to improve the hardware support for some HP platforms.

No CVE/known security issue.

[Quality assurance]
I have used ppa:oem-solutions-engineers/oem-projects-meta to check this package on some HP platforms.
oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta will be upgraded to 20.04ubuntu1 or the later version from OEM archive.

It only depends on ubuntu-oem-keyring.

[Standards compliance]
This package should have met all requirements of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MIRTeam/Exceptions/OEM.

Canonical OEM Enablement Team will take care of the maintenance.

[Background information]
Please check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MIRTeam/Exceptions/OEM for details.

Please use "oem-metapackage-mir-check" in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools to verify this MIR against the reference package in the archive.


Changed in oem-priority:
assignee: nobody → OEM Taipei Jenkins Role Account (oem-taipei-bot)
importance: Undecided → Critical
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
OEM Taipei Bot (oem-taipei-bot) wrote :

Attach oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta_20.04~ubuntu1.debdiff by oem-scripts 1.69.

description: updated
summary: - [DRAFT][MIR] oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta
+ [MIR] oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta
Changed in oem-priority:
status: Confirmed → In Progress
tags: added: oem-scripts-1.69
removed: oem-scripts-0.82
Revision history for this message
Cyrus Lien (cyruslien) wrote :

Attach oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta_20.04~ubuntu1.debdiff by oem-scripts 1.88.

tags: added: certify-planning originate-from-1934121
tags: added: oem-scripts-1.88
removed: oem-scripts-1.69
Cyrus Lien (cyruslien)
description: updated
Changed in oem-priority:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
tags: added: oem-needs-upload ubuntu-certified
Changed in ubuntu:
status: New → In Progress
tags: added: oem-done-upload oem-scripts-1.92
removed: oem-needs-upload oem-scripts-1.88
Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :

I have uploaded the package into https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+queue.

Revision history for this message
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot (crichton) wrote :

The attachment "oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta_20.04~ubuntu1.debdiff" seems to be a debdiff. The ubuntu-sponsors team has been subscribed to the bug report so that they can review and hopefully sponsor the debdiff. If the attachment isn't a patch, please remove the "patch" flag from the attachment, remove the "patch" tag, and if you are member of the ~ubuntu-sponsors, unsubscribe the team.

[This is an automated message performed by a Launchpad user owned by ~brian-murray, for any issue please contact him.]

tags: added: patch
Revision history for this message
Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote : Please test proposed package

Hello OEM, or anyone else affected,

Accepted oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta into focal-proposed. The package will build now and be available at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta/20.04~ubuntu1 in a few hours, and then in the -proposed repository.

Please help us by testing this new package. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed for documentation on how to enable and use -proposed. Your feedback will aid us getting this update out to other Ubuntu users.

If this package fixes the bug for you, please add a comment to this bug, mentioning the version of the package you tested, what testing has been performed on the package and change the tag from verification-needed-focal to verification-done-focal. If it does not fix the bug for you, please add a comment stating that, and change the tag to verification-failed-focal. In either case, without details of your testing we will not be able to proceed.

Further information regarding the verification process can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/PerformingSRUVerification . Thank you in advance for helping!

N.B. The updated package will be released to -updates after the bug(s) fixed by this package have been verified and the package has been in -proposed for a minimum of 7 days.

tags: added: verification-needed verification-needed-focal
Revision history for this message
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot (crichton) wrote : [oem-stella.cmit-cascppm-meta/focal] verification still needed

The fix for this bug has been awaiting testing feedback in the -proposed repository for focal for more than 90 days. Please test this fix and update the bug appropriately with the results. In the event that the fix for this bug is still not verified 15 days from now, the package will be removed from the -proposed repository.

tags: added: removal-candidate
tags: removed: verification-needed
tags: added: oem-needed-upload
removed: oem-done-upload removal-candidate verification-needed-focal
tags: added: oem-needs-upload
removed: oem-needed-upload
tags: added: oem-done-upload
removed: oem-needs-upload
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