Comment 0 for bug 2036406

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Aristo Chen (aristochen) wrote :

Subject: backport mkeficapsule to jammy


* mkeficapsule command is used to generate capsule file for updating firmware in u-boot

[Test case]

Test case 1:
1. use mkeficapsule command to generate test_new.cap and test_old.cap, both contain U-Boot built at different time
2. try to update the capsule file(both test_new.cap and test_old.cap)
3. check if the U-Boot build stamp is different from previous

Test case 2:
1. Follow the command( here to test with U-Boot sandbox, and the test_efi_capsule related files were skipped by default before or ater the code changes, the test result can be found in comment

[Where problems could occur]

* There is no mkeficapsule command in Jammy yet, so the regression risk should be low

[Other Info]